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Joseph’s story pt. 1.

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1 Joseph’s story pt. 1

2 Dreams in Prison (Genesis 40:1-23)

3 Joseph spent 11 years in Potiphar’s house and in prison.

4 Two high-ranking members of Pharaoh’s court are imprisoned with Joseph.

5 Both of Pharaoh’s officers had dreams which would reveal their future.

6 The cupbearer would be restored to his position in Pharaoh’s court.

7 The baker would be executed.

8 On Pharaoh’s birthday, Joseph’s interpretations become a reality.

9 The cupbearer forgets about Joseph.

10 Pharaoh’s dreams (Genesis 41:1-38)

11 Two years later, Pharaoh has two dreams on the same night that troubled him.

12 Pharaoh sought to find an interpretation for his dreams from the dream interpreters in Egypt.

13 The cupbearer told Pharaoh that Joseph correctly interpreted dreams while he was imprisoned.

14 Joseph is brought before Pharaoh and Joseph promises that God will give him peace of mind.

15 God, through Joseph, interprets Pharaoh’s dream as 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine.

16 Joseph offered a plan to deal with the coming crisis.

17 Joseph is exalted to second in command in the land of Egypt.

18 He is given Pharaoh’s signet ring to do business in Pharaoh’s name.

19 He is clothed with fine linen garments and a gold chain to signify his rank, status, and office.

20 He was given a chariot.

21 He was given an entourage.

22 He is given a new name Zaphenath-paneah.

23 His marriage is arranged to the daughter of the priest of On.

24 Everything takes place as God had revealed to Joseph.

25 The first family visit (Genesis 42:1-38)

26 The famine is so severe that it reaches in Canaan and Jacob instructs his sons to go to Egypt to get some grain.

27 Jacob does not send Benjamin with them fearing something might happen to him.

28 Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him.

29 Jacob is tested them to see if they have reformed their behavior.

30 He put them all in jail for three days and Joseph observes their conversation

31 He keeps Simeon in prison to give them the opportunity to abandon their brother as they had done with Joseph.

32 Joseph tells them that when they return they must bring Benjamin to test whether his full brother, now the favorite, was being treated as he had been treated.

33 Joseph returns secretly returns their money to them to test their honesty.

34 Joseph’s brothers discover the money in their sacks, but instead of returning, they went home.

35 They tell Jacob of their treatment while in Egypt.

36 Despite Ruben’s excessive vow, Jacob firmly resolved that Benjamin would not go to Egypt.

37 The second family visit (Genesis 43:1-34)

38 Judah finally persuaded Jacob to allow them to take Benjamin with them to Egypt.

39 The brothers are shocked when they are invited to a feast and fear the worst.

40 Joseph is overwhelmed with emotion when he saw his brother Benjamin.

41 The brothers are shocked when they are seated according to birth order.

42 Benjamin is singled out for preferential treatment.

43 Joseph got his brothers drunk to loosen their self-restraint.

44 Joseph’s final test (Genesis 44:1-34)

45 Joseph instructed his people to put his silver cup in Benjamin’s bag.

46 Joseph sends his men to catch up with them and set forth accusations against Benjamin.

47 Joseph’s brothers are so sure of their innocence that they invoke the death penalty if someone is discovered to have stolen.

48 The steward rejects their proposal in favor of enslaving the one found with the cup and sending the rest away.

49 The grief of the brothers is evidence that they are changed men.

50 Joseph gave the brothers the opportunity to abandon their brother Benjamin.

51 Judah pleads for Benjamin.

52 Joseph’s story pt. 1

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