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Cirre 2018 conference Living Lab Healthy Workplace / Ph.D study

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1 Cirre 2018 conference Living Lab Healthy Workplace / Ph.D study

2 Henk W. Brink MSc, Ph.D student (TU/e, Hanze UAS) Experience
Senior Lecturer Facility Management, Hanze University of Applied Sciences (Hanze UAS) / Researcher Facility Management, Knowledge Centre Northern Area Development; Developed the Indoor Comfort Index © Facility Manager Project Manager Shared Service Centre Police Department Northern Netherlands for facility services / Forerunner of the National Police Force

3 Rise of smart technologies for health support

4 Conceptual framework Healthy Workplace Healthy Behaviours
Social Virtual Physical Climate Acoustics Ergonomics Layout Facilities Nature Healthy Behaviours Activity Nourishment Relaxation Interaction Concentration Healthy Workers Mental Healthy Organisation Performance Satisfaction Vitality Sustainable Employability Engagement Image

5 Healthy environment + Quantified self

6 Prospective outputs Living lab: Place for measuring, experiencing and experimenting Knowledge and tools for individual knowledge workers: How can I improve my health within this workplace? Knowledge and tools for employers: How can we make our workplace more healthy?

7 Research projects Ba/Ma thesis projects, different disciplines and subjects, e.g.: sit/stand desks, workplace nudging, data privacy, promoting activity, relaxation needs, personal dashboard, HR/FM involvement, individual climate control Data collection in Living Lab at Hanze UAS Longitudinal case study new work environment Menzis Evaluation study ‘Werkplek+’ program at Hanze UAS Preparing second Living Lab at Menzis location

8 Titel presentatie (via kop- en voettekst)

9 Indoor Comfort Index© Healthy Workplace Healthy Behaviours
Social Virtual Physical Climate Acoustics Ergonomics Layout Facilities Nature Healthy Behaviours Activity Nourishment Relaxation Interaction Concentration Healthy Workers Mental Healthy Organisation Performance Satisfaction Vitality Sustainable Employability Engagement Image

10 Indoor Comfort Index© Research into the quality and perception of the indoor climate Standardized and validated method for measuring the quality (perceived and actual conditions) of the indoor climate Over 1500 workplaces and a comparable amount of employees were interviewed Optimal Classroom Experience

11 ICI© F P

12 Optimal Classroom Experience (OCE)
Healthy Workplace Social Virtual Physical Climate Acoustics Ergonomics Layout Facilities Nature Healthy Behaviours Activity Nourishment Relaxation Interaction Concentration Healthy Workers Mental Healthy Organisation Performance Satisfaction Vitality Sustainable Employability Engagement Image

13 Ph.D research project TU/e and Hanze UAS
Developing guidelines for an optimal indoor climate in classrooms for user-interactions in higher education Henk W. Brink, Ph.D student Prof. dr. Helianthe Kort, supervisor (TU/e, HU) Dr. Mark Mobach, first supervisor (HG, HH) Dr. Marcel Loomans, second supervisor (TU/e)

14 Ph. Research TU/e and Hanze UAS
Environmental conditions (indoor climate) (Frontczak & Wargocki, 2011): indoor air quality (IAQ) thermal comfort acoustic comfort visual comfort Classrooms higher education Educational outcome Frontczak, M., & Wargocki, P. (2011). Literature survey on how different factors influence human comfort in indoor environments, Building and Environment, 46 (4),

15 Quiz The Dutch Community Health Services of Groningen has recently investigated the quality of the indoor air at secondary schools. This research shows that levels of carbon dioxide concentrations were classified as unacceptable in ….% of the classrooms of secondary schools A:>35% B:>55% C:>75% D:>95%

16 Current situation Research shows that environmental conditions in classrooms: are far from optimal in some cases even unhealthy affect the performance of teachers and students negatively Wargocki & Wyon, 2017; De Gids, 2007; Shaughnessy et al., 2006; Tiesler & Oberdörster, 2006; EPA, n.d; GGD, 2009 References Wargocki, P. Wyon D.P., Matysiak B., & Irgens S. (2005). The effect of classroom temperature and outdoor supply rate on the performance of school work by children. Indoor Air: Proceedings of the 10th international conference on indoor air quality and climate, Beijing, China, De Gids, W.F. (2007). Ventilatie in scholen, TVVL Magazine 36 (5), Shaughnessy, R. J., Haverinen‐Shaughnessy, U., Nevalainen, A., & Moschandreas, D. (2006), A preliminary study on the association between ventilation rates in classrooms and student performance. Indoor Air, 16, doi: /j Haverinen-Shaughnessy, U., & Shaughnessy, R.J. (2015). Effects of Classroom Ventilation Rate and Temperature on Students’ Test Scores, PLoS ONE 10 (10):1371. doi: /journal.pone Tiesler, G., & Oberdörster, M. (2006). Noise - A Stress Factor? Acoustic Ergonomics of Schools. EuroNoise. Tampere, Finland: May 30 - June 1. EPA (n.d.). Why Indoor Air Quality is Important to Schools. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved from GGD (2009). Binnenmilieu op scholen en kinderdagverblijven. Retrieved from

17 OCE Conceptual framework
<- Structure -> < Proces > <- Outcome -> Donabedian, A. (1988). The quality of care: how can it be assessed?. Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine, 121(11), Retrieved from

18 Results Literature review (influence and methods) (2019)
Performing experiments (classroom A and B) (2020) Delphi study (how to create an ideal indoor environment) (2021) Performing experiments (classroom A and A++) (2022)

19 Henk W. Brink MSc, Ph. D student h. w. brink@pl. hanze
Henk W. Brink MSc, Ph.D student +31 (0)

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