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By: Caitlyn Ropp Completed on: 12/5/13

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1 By: Caitlyn Ropp Completed on: 12/5/13
The Most Carbonation By: Caitlyn Ropp Completed on: 12/5/13

2 Which pop has the most carbonation?
I will be testing to see which pop, out of Mt. Dew, Pepsi, and Sierra Mist, has the most carbonation.

3 My Background I chose this topic because the carbonation in pop gives my cousin a sore throat. I want to find out which pop my cousin can drink without giving her a really bad sore throat.

4 Hypothesis If I test Mt. Dew, Sierra Mist, and Pepsi then, Mt. Dew will have the most carbonation.

5 Variables My independent variable is the types of pop.
My dependent variable is which pop has the most carbonation. My constant variables are the amount of pop in each cup, the amount of glasses/cups, and the types/brands of cups

6 Procedure Gather materials Setup 3 clear glasses/cups
Fill 1 cup with Mt. Dew Look at the cup and estimate (using observation) how much carbonation is in it. Record Data Repeat steps 3-5 for other pops

7 Data Page 1/2 I used a 16 oz. bottle of Mt. Dew, Pepsi, and Sierra Mist. I poured about half of each bottle into 3 different cups. Sierra Mist in one, Pepsi in another, and Mt. Dew in the last.

8 Data Page 2/2 I tested Mt. Dew, Pepsi, and Sierra Mist and by my observation, I could see that Mt. Dew had the most carbonation. I know because Mt. Dew had the most Bubbles.

9 Conclusion Which pop has the most carbonation out of Sierra Mist, Mt. Dew, and Pepsi? I tested 3 pops to see which pop has the most carbonation (bubbles) in it. :) My hypothesis was correct. I hypothesized that Mt. Dew would have the most carbonation. I learned that carbonation is the bubbles and the fizz in pop. One problem I had was getting the pop in the cup to be even amounts. Next time I would use a measuring cup to transfer the pop to the cup.

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