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Japanese Mythology Jason Juntunen, Becky Amundson, Dan Bender, Ryan Drew PowerPoint by Jason Juntunen.

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Presentation on theme: "Japanese Mythology Jason Juntunen, Becky Amundson, Dan Bender, Ryan Drew PowerPoint by Jason Juntunen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Japanese Mythology Jason Juntunen, Becky Amundson, Dan Bender, Ryan Drew PowerPoint by Jason Juntunen

2 Japanese Major Gods’ Family Tree

3 Creation The Japanese story of creation began with nothing
The first thing formed was the Plain of High Heaven In it, the 3 creating deities (Ame-no-Minaka-Nushi-no-Mikoto, Takami-Musubi-no-Mikoto, and Kammi-Musubi-no-Mikoto) were formed.

4 Creation 2 The world slowly turned into solid ground from nothing
Suddenly 2 deities were created, Umashi-Ashi-Kahibi-Hikoji-no-Mikoto and Ame-no-Tokotachi-no-Mikoto.

5 Creation 3 Many more gods were created
The world was still a chaotic mass of nothing Izanagi & Izanami took a sacred spear, Ama-no-Nuboko, and stirred the mass with it to create land

6 Creation 4 Izanagi & Izanami created a pillar, the Heavenly August Pillar, and walked around it Izanami gave birth to children, but they were weak & boneless

7 Creation 5 The gods decided that the children were bad because Izanami spoke before Izanagi, so they walked around again with Izanagi speaking first Izanami gave birth to 8 great islands & many smaller ones

8 They started to make other gods to rule over things
They started to make other gods to rule over things. First there was the sea-god, Owatatsumi-no-Kami. Then Kamihaya-akitsu-hiko for land and Haya-akitsu-hime for the sea Kamihaya-akitsu-hiko and Haya-akitsu-hime were the parents of more deities Creation 6

9 Creation 7 Then there was Kami-Shinatsuhiko-no-Mikoto for wind, who blew away all the clouds at his birth, Kukunochi-no-Kami for trees, Oyamatsumi-no-Kami for mountains, and Kayanuhime-no-Kami for plains

10 Creation 8 Izanmi gave birth to Kagutsuchi-no-Kami, the god of fire, and was burned so badly that when she finally became conscious she couldn’t eat

11 Creation 9 Before she died, many gods & goddesses came out of her body parts Kanayama-biko and Kanayama-hime (god & goddess of metals) came from her mouth

12 Creation 10 Haniyasu-hiko and Haniyasu-hime (god & goddess of earth) came from other parts Mizuhame-no-Mikoto was her last child

13 Creation 11 Nakisawame-no- Mikoto was born out of Izanagi’s tears
Izanagi attacked Kagutsuchi-no-Kami but only made more children from his blood & body parts

14 The End Home

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