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Classroom Expectations

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Expectations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Expectations
Computer Applications I Computer Applications II (Dual Credit) Multimedia Arts Personal Finance Mrs. Ross

2 My Education This is my 25th year in Education BSE (1988) MSE (1998)
Bachelor of Science in Business Education Missouri State University MSE (1998) Master of Science in Business Education Arkansas State University

3 Class Supplies/Materials
Student Paper/notebook and folder Pen/pencil Headset with microphone (optional) School Computer with Windows 8.1 Microsoft Office 2013 Printer/Camera/Video Camera, etc. Textbook Headset with microphone

4 Classroom Rules All rules included in the parent/student handbook will be followed. Take care of all equipment. Come to class with a POSITIVE attitude!! Come to class prepared and ready to learn. Be respectful to others. Be responsible. 4

5 Phones and/MP3 Players No cell phones and/or MP3 players may be used during class without permission! Please keep these devices put away and out of sight to avoid distractions! See the policy in the student handbook if needed.

6 Food/Drink Policy Food and drinks are not allowed in the computer lab.
If you have them with you, keep them in your backpack. If you need a drink, there is a water fountain in this building.

7 Daily Procedures Log On Check the board for instructions!! Log Off
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete User name: CC8 Password: (Leave Blank) Click right arrow or press enter Connect to Smart Sync Check the board for instructions!! Log Off At the end of the hour--NOT 5 minutes early!!

8 What should I do if I complete my assignment before class is over???
If you are finished with your work and do not have any missing assignments, you may use the last 5 minutes of class to: Check your grades in Lumen Check out links from my website Work on assignments from another class Study for a test in another class Do an enrichment activity (ex. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

9 Miscellaneous Please do NOT make changes to your computer or any computer settings including the background display. Hall Pass Sign Out/In Form In order to use my hall pass to leave my classroom, you must first ask to leave during a time I am not giving instructions. You must also log time spent away from my classroom by completing the sign out/in form. You must do this anytime YOU ask to leave my room. Exceptions would be if I ask you to run an errand for me or if you need to be outside my room to complete a class assignment. Ex. Take pictures outside for Multimedia.

10 Miscellaneous …continued
Textbook/equipment can be checked out for use at home if needed and if available. Sign Textbook/Equipment Checkout Form Check with me when you return items so that I can inspect them and record the return date.

11 Tardies Students are considered tardy if they are not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. Teachers will close their doors when the bell rings for class to begin. To gain access to class students must have a tardy pass issued from the upstairs office.

12 Attendance Total absences can be no more than 10 in any one class. Exceeding 10 absences in any one class for the year will mean the absences will be automatically unexcused except for documented medical emergencies or prior authorization by the administration. All absences that are not verified by parent/guardian notification will be recorded as unexcused. An absence is defined as more than 15 minutes missed from any 45-minute.

13 Attendance Excused/Unexcused absences 95% attendance
No student with an unexcused absence will be allowed to make-up work for credit. 95% attendance No more than 10 days per year

14 Attendance…continued
Incentives If you miss 0 days in a semester, you will earn an automatic 2% increase in your grade. If you miss 1 or 2 days in a semester, you will earn an automatic 1% increase in your grade.

15 Attendance…continued
Incentives Semester Test Exemption Policy (See the handbook page 23 for the policy.) To encourage regular school attendance of students, WPHS students that meet identified criteria may have the option of not taking semester test exams. The exception to this program is in advanced placement (AP) courses. Students with outstanding attendance and good grades may be exempt from taking up to three final exams (maximum number of classes listed below): Attendance Percentage Classes exempt of finals 100% & no late assignments* in any class 2 cores and 1 elective 97% & no late assignments* in any class 2 cores or 1 core and 1 elective 95% & no late assignments* in any class 1 core or 1 elective The attendance percentage is based on all classes for the semester, not individual classes. Students must have a minimum grade of 75% by week 15 of the semester in all courses in order to be exempt. A drop in grade below 75% before the day of the final exam will disqualify a student from test exemptions. All absences apply whether excused or unexcused (the only exception is for school activities). *Late assignments are defined as classwork turned in after the due date set by the teacher. Page 23

16 Class Assignments If an assignment is not completed during class it will become homework and is due the following day. If an assignment is not completed during class and requires a computer, it may be completed Before school During RTI After school. You will be given 2 days to complete any computer assignment(s).

17 Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points.
Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Major projects, exams, and self-reflection Grades are posted online and you may use your Lumen Login to check them at the end of class if you have all assignments completed. Grading Scale 93-100% = A 82-92% = B 70-81% = C 60-69% = D Below 60% = F

18 Missing Assignments and Make-up Work
If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up the assignment(s). You will have 2 days to make-up work for an excused absence or school activity.

19 Cheating Policy Students involved in cheating-both the student willfully sharing the information and the student obtaining the information will receive a ZERO GRADE for that assignment. The parent/guardian may be contacted. An office referral may be made.

20 Emergency Procedures Fire – 3 short rings Tornado – 1 long ring
Earthquake – 2 short rings, 1 long ring Emergency Alert Plan (Lockdown Procedures) Emergency Procedures and evacuation map are posted by the door!

21 Remember… Please be in your seat when the bell rings.
Food and drinks are not allowed in the computer lab. Cell phones and/or MP3 players are not to be used in this room unless you have permission.

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