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CH 3 Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter 3

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1 CH 3 Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter 3
CH 3 Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter 3.1 The Atom: from Philosophical Idea to Scientific Theory Atom: a- not; -tomos cutting Molecules made of combining 2+ atoms 3 basic laws describe chemical reactions: Law of conservation of mass Law of definite proportions Law of multiple proportions

2 Law of conservation of mass
Mass cannot be created or destroyed during chemical reactions or physical changes Coefficients in chemical reaction show this relationship

3 Law of definite proportions: chemical compound has the same element in the same proportions no matter the sample Law of multiple proportions: same elements even with diff #’s atoms have same ratio of masses of elements

4 Dalton’s Theory Atomic Theory
All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. Atoms of an element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created or destroyed. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios to for chemical compounds. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated or rearranged. Atomic Theory All matter is composed of atoms Atoms of one or more element differ in properties from atoms of another element

5 3.2 The Structure of the Atom
Democritus atom indivisible and indestructible; 1st, not based on scientific method 2000yrs pass Dalton’s Atomic Theory Thomson Experiment Particles move from cathode (-) to anode (+) Cathode rays were deflected by a magnetic field Plum Pudding Atomic model Negative parts spread evenly thought positive

6 Goldstein Chadwick Rutherford
exp showed canal rays/ positive particles, mass p+ 1840x that of e- Chadwick Discovered neutrons Rutherford Exp-alpha particles (He atoms lost e-) being double + charge should pass thru gold foil easily most did pass straight but some bounced off at large angles and some bounced straight back! Rutherford Atomic Model (aka nuclear atom) atom is mostly empty space, + charge and mass is concentrated in nucleus (very small)

7 Nuclear forces Short range hold nuclear particles together
Proton-neutron Proton-proton Neutron-neutron

8 3.3 Counting Atoms Atomic number: # p+ Mass number: p+ and neutrons
Isotope: different # neutrons Atomic mass unit: 1/12 of C-12 atom Avg atomic mass: weighted for isotopes and elements

9 Counting atoms Mole Avogrado’s number Molar mass
SI unit for substance Amount of particles = to atoms in 12g of C-12 Avogrado’s number 6.02x1023 Particles in 1 mole Molar mass Mass of 1 mole of the substance Use conversion factors!

10 1 step 2 step Gram-mole Mole-gram Mole-atom Atom-mole Mass-atom
Atom-mass *Use fraction conversion factors!

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