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Upgrade of the GlueX Spectrometer for Physics with Strange Final States Nuclear Physics Yi Qiang Nov. 13, 2011.

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1 Upgrade of the GlueX Spectrometer for Physics with Strange Final States
Nuclear Physics Yi Qiang Nov. 13, 2011

2 Executive Summary/Abstract
Physics Motivations Ultimate goal of Hall-D GlueX program - study of QCD confinement in the gluonic degrees of freedom: need to search for complete nonets of hybrids mesons including states with 𝑠 𝑠 content. Baryon spectroscopy of the strange sector: largely unmapped doubly-strange 𝛯 hyperons. Short-range and gluonic structure of nucleons and nuclei: near threshold open-charm photo-production, complementary to Charmonium electro & photoproduction. Goal: upgrade GlueX spectrometer with a new kaon identification system GlueX-RICH: dual radiator Ring-Imaging Cherenkov detector. Detector R&D. Final design and construction. Other benefits: Collaborations between JLab and other national labs and universities. New detector technology for future physics programs.

3 Specific Scientific Aims
Detector R&D and Prototyping Characterization of detector components: Aerogel radiator, Micro-Channel Plate photodetector (MCP-PMT). Development on the MCP-MPT readout: shape, photocathode & readout, collaborate with HEP division at Argonne National Lab. Build a small scale prototype and carry out beam tests. Design and Build the Full Detector Preliminary to final design. Electronics design and integration. Early beam test with partially populated detector. Final installation and commissioning. Parallel tasks Physics and detector simulations: aid the optimization of detector parameters and the design of final detector.

4 GlueX-RICH Detector Radiator: Aerogel (n=1.05) + C4F10
New US Option: aerogel developed by Aspen/ASU, already in SBIR phase II Micro-Channel Plate photodetector (MCP-PMT) readout Developed by Large-Aera Picosecond Photo Detector (LAPPD) collaboration: ANL, FNL, UChicago, UHawaii, UCB, Incom Inc. …, in third year Good sensitivity to visible light Good timing and position resolutions

5 Research Impact and Benefits
Jefferson Lab Expand the physics reach of Hall-D QCD confinement: complete picture of the hybrid meson families 𝛯 baryon spectroscopy, open-charm production … New detector technology for other Halls: Hall-A SoLID, Hall-B CLAS12 Nuclear Physics (and other project offices if applicable) Understand the QCD gluonic degree of freedom, answer Gain detector experience for future programs: EIC … Office of Science Collaborate with other DOE labs on detector development: ANL … Use the research achievements of DOE’s SBIR/STTR awards Early career research program announcement

6 Resources Needed Salary: $914k Principal Investigator: 50% (30 months)
Mechanical and Electronic Engineers: 6(M.E.) + 5(E.E.) months Designers and Technicians: 10(Designer) + 22(M.T.) + 15(E.T.) months Postdoctoral Researcher: 30 months Graduate students and other Postdocs: from collaboration institutes

7 Resources Needed Material Cost: $909k Travel: $21k
Capitalized: $735k Material for testing and prototyping: $70k Equipment and tooling: $104k Travel: $21k In-direct Cost: $727k Total: $2,573k Resources: JLab: clean room, machine shop, electron beam ANL: MCP-PMT samples, R&D facility, other support MIT: Graduate students, Postdoc, MIT-Bates UTFSM: testing facility for MCP-PMT, manpower GlueX Collaboration: general support, manpower

8 Schedule and Milestones

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