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NTTS 2009 Conference Brussels February 2009

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Presentation on theme: "NTTS 2009 Conference Brussels February 2009"— Presentation transcript:

1 NTTS 2009 Conference Brussels 18-20 February 2009
The Future in Research for Official Statistics: Building on previous experiences Prof. Photis NANOPOULOS Fr. Director EUROSTAT

2 1.1. Statistics for democracy and governance
1. Introduction 1.1. Statistics for democracy and governance Official statistics is an indispensable ingredient for the functioning of every form of democratic society with a free market economy. Official statistics are usually intended as statistical information produced by government agencies to: shed light on economic and social conditions develop, implement and monitor policies inform decision-making, debate and discussion both within government and the wider community 2

3 1.2. Principles that should govern R&D in OS in Europe
1. Introduction 1.2. Principles that should govern R&D in OS in Europe Article 338 (ex Article 285 TEC) §2. The establishment of the statistics is done in the respect of the impartiality, reliability, objectivity, scientific independence, the effectiveness in comparison of the cost and the confidentiality of the statistical data; it should not involve excessive loads for the economic operators. European Statistical System Code of Practice The UN fundamental principles of official statistics (Decision 47/1992 of the UN Economic Commission for Europe) 3 3

4 1.2. Orientation of R&D in Official Statistics
1. Introduction 1.2. Orientation of R&D in Official Statistics Policy orientation at EU level, in order to focus on EU policy priorities, and policy support for financing its activities. Operational orientation is required in order to specify those components of the statistical production process that need most R&D for improvement. Orientation for meeting Quality objectives is needed to specify levels of quality measurements and assessment of results. Science and Technology orientation in order to focus on the most appropriate methods and tools to be developed in conjunction with the policy, efficiency and quality orientations 4 4

5 1. Introduction 1.4.Driving forces
Research in Official Statistics is driven by: Changes in users needs with measurement challenges New statistical coverage with measurement challenges Previously NEW ECONOMY Currently, KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY Observing the Economic crisis (Why not to have predicted it?) Scientific innovations Innovative applications of data analysis methods New applications of existing methods New methods Scientific and technological progress. New techniques and tools Software developments encapsulating innovations 5 5

6 2. Some history of EU R&D programs in OS
DOSES(4): a happy good start….few results DOSIS(22): difficult but …successful. SUPCOM(20): Introversion…..very targeted EPROS (48): CPA4 !!! (!) big projects The five key elements of EPROS were: a) research and development into generic statistical tools, b) techniques, methodologies and technologies; c) statistical applications; d) statistical indicators for the new economy (SINE); e) transfer of technology and know-how (TTK); and supporting activities NORIS, the nomenclature of Research in official Statistics See publication of Eurostat presenting EPROS projects 6 6

7 3. Lessons learned Positive lessons 7
Creation of a people’s network for R&D in OS Through promoting activities & project consortia Important innovations Many new ideas, methods (e,g. SODAS) Enhancing and enlarging existing tools Existing tools in NSIs found a new development (e.g CASC). Development of generic tools for statistical production Several components (eg. EUREDIT) of the Statistical Production System were offered generic tools 7 7

8 Attracting-Networking-Supporting R&D People.
A series of conferences in statistical confidentiality . NTTS conference in 1992 and 1995 in Bonn, 1998 in Sorrento and 2001 in Crete, A specific conference dedicated to the Cooperation between Academic and Official Statisticians (CAOS) in 1998 in Bucharest. Support to innovative scientific societies (ISI-IASC-ISBA). International Cooperation (Agreement between Eurostat and the USA White House OBM . Publication of the ROS Journal. The VIROS site that has been developed offering full information to all our projects and activities. The TTK (Transfer of Technology and Know-how) programme in association with the JRC, was felt as a priority for making results accessible to users. 8 8

9 3. Lessons learned Draw backs 9
Insufficient orientation capacity (focus) Caused by IST domains dominant non statistical criteria No opportunity for SPC to provide orientation Effectiveness lack of balance between the objectives of proposals and users' needs. Efficiency several other projects were stopped after the end of EU financing 9 9

10 3. Lessons learned 3. Causes 10
Consortia partners parallel motivations Academics looking for papers to publish Administrations looking for budget to solve current problems Private companies looking for turn over and benefits!!! Consortia partners profiles and qualifications (misfits) Small companies No permanent R&D activities Ansence of R&D capacity within NSIs. 10 10

11 4. Approach for the future
Create a Virtual Programme (Vi.E.P.R.O.S) in order to better focus on important priorities of the ESS and provide maximum orientation Communicate and explain the programme Increase NSIs involvement in R&D projects Use coarse system of criteria: Private sector partners value: Clear long-term involvement in official statistics Capacity to continue after the project (R&D activities) Project value Specific priority domains Quality improvement Statistical Production Process components improvement Technological innovation benefits Integrated innovative solutions Encapsulate new scientific knowledge 11 11

12 5. Partners roles EUROSTAT and SPC NSIs 12
Provide a forum for discussion and communication Elaborate and maintain ViEPROS Support dissemination of results and knowledge Start an R&D activity within its premises. NSIs Support and contribute to Eurostat initiatives Develop some R&D activities in house Create clusters of NSI and academic around projects Take an active role in the dissemination of results and knowledge at national level 12 12

13 5. Partners roles Scientific community Private companies 13
Central role in statistical education and research in relation to official statistics. Use ViEPROS as a support. Develop cooperation with NSI and other National statistical authorities Have a long term strategy for R&D in the improvement and use of official statistics. Private companies Develop their capacity for R&D and benefit from partnerships with NSIs and scientists Give better orientation to the development of their products and services in meeting customer needs and expectations. Develop statistical software industry in Europe. 13 13

14 6. Concluding remarks There exists a real need for R&D in Official Statistics in Europe as support for facing the 21st century challenges. There exists in Europe a strong community of partners capable of undertaking a large programme of R&D in Official Statistics This R&D force should be driven by a specific (even virtual) programme which orient the efforts. The European Commission must obtain political support and facilitate the implementation of this programme EUROSTAT and the NSIs should provide the guarantees of excellence and efficiency of the programme. 14 14

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