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Presentation title Presenter name Revision of the No Added Salt Diet (NAS) Alan Spencer Demeter.

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1 Presentation title Presenter name Revision of the No Added Salt Diet (NAS) Alan Spencer Demeter

2 Key Problems Evidence based practice guidelines (EBPG) recommend a NAS diet for all stages of chronic kidney disease and heart failure & ? liver failure with ascites NAS diet provided to inpatients of the Gold Coast Hospital was not in line with the EBPG Surveys of other Qld. hospitals indicated that EBPGs were being followed

3 Innovations implemented Pre- & post intervention survey developed NAS diet revised to meet EBPGs Information handout developed to give to patients put on the NAS diet Inservices (ward staff, diet monitors) & follow- up dietitian visits to patients

4 Results……

5 How we did it ? A two weeks Food Service project Completed by Griffith Uni student on Food Service Placement Key success factor was patient participation throughout the project & effective communication and collaboration with other relevant departments

6 Lessons Learnt Use EB guidelines wherever possible when reviewing and revising hosp menu Strengthen partnership with other stakeholders throughout the process Change NAS to low salt to minimise patient confusion and to increase compliance Explain the rationale behind the change in managing patient complaints

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