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Peer Reviewer Information

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1 Peer Reviewer Information

2 All volunteers must sign off on the terms of agreement before being assigned to review for the 2013 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition

3 No more than 10-20 proposals are assigned per reviewer.
After June 1, 2012, all volunteer names must be in the system in order to be assigned to review for the Call for Programs ADEA Staff will assign proposals, based on the learning focus selected by the reviewer. No more than proposals are assigned per reviewer. Volunteers will receive an with a link that will have their assigned proposals waiting for them to review. Volunteers will have from June 8 through June 24, 2012 to review.

4 Volunteer reviewers must log in using their credentials
Volunteer reviewers must log in using their credentials. Once logged in they will see proposals assigned to them.

5 Volunteers will be able to review by selecting the title and begin the reviewing process by clicking the “Session Header” tab.

6 When ready to score, the reviewer will click the evaluate tab and then tabulate.

7 When ready to score, the reviewer will click the evaluate tab and then tabulate scores.

8 Once the reviewers click the tabulate score button, a screen will appear where they will score on each criteria from 4 to 1. Four being the highest score and one being the lowest. Once done the reviewer must click “Total Score”.

9 Once all scores are entered and saved the total average score will then populate on the previous screen. Reviewers can select from ten different comments and write their own comments in the box below. Comments are strongly recommended for overall scores of 2 or lower. The “Click to Save Data” button must be selected to save the comments for each proposal.

10 After submitting comments on a proposal, the reviewers can continue on to the subsequent proposal by clicking on “Next” at the bottom of the screen.

11 By clicking on “Next or Previous” it will bring the reviewer to the previous or next proposal on the reviewers list to review.

12 Contact Renee Latimer at
Questions? Contact Renee Latimer at

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