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IBPS & Banking Competitive Examination Guidance Centre Input-Output

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1 IBPS & Banking Competitive Examination Guidance Centre Input-Output
Prof. Arjun B. Bhagwat S. M. Joshi College, Hadapsar, Pune-28 IBPS

2 Based on words Based on numbers Based on words & numbers
Types of Input-Output Based on words Based on numbers Based on words & numbers IBPS

3 Input - gone 93 over 46 84 now for 31
Problem No. 1 Study the following information carefully and answer to given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearrange them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement Input - gone 93 over now for 31 Step I gone 93 over now for Step II over gone now for Step III over 46 gone now for Step IV over 46 now gone for Step V over 46 now 84 gone 93 for IBPS

4 Q.1 Step III of an input- 15 window sail tower by Which of the following will be step no VI? 15 window 29 tower 86 sail 93 buy IBPS

5 Step No. V 39 station 59 men 67 hurry 86 all
Q.2 Input- Station hurry all men how many steps will be required to complete the arrangement? Step No. V 39 station 59 men 67 hurry 86 all IBPS

6 Cannot be determined or………. None of these
Q.3 Step II of an input- 49 zone car battery down Which of the following is definitely the input? Cannot be determined or………. None of these IBPS

7 Step No. IV 29 task 46 news 53 79 glory for
Q.4 input- news glory for task Which of the following will be step IV? Step No. IV 29 task 46 news glory for IBPS

8 Step V- 27 tube 34 row 53 gas chamber 74
Q.5 Step III of an input- 27 tube 34 gas chamber row Which of the following step will be the last but one? Step V tube 34 row 53 gas chamber 74 Step VI tube 34 row 53 gas 74 chamber IBPS

9 4 steps 19 year 26 store 74 near 85 gone
Q.6 Step II of an input- 19 year near gone 26 store how many steps will be required to complete the arrangement? 4 steps 19 year 26 store 74 near 85 gone IBPS

10 Input - age road own wire tire ink pen uni dice eat
Problem No. 2 Study the following information carefully and answer to given questions. A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearrange them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement Input - age road own wire tire ink pen uni dice eat Step I - uni age road own wire tire ink pen eat dice Step II - uni own age road wire tire ink eat pen dice Step III - uni own ink age wire tire eat road pen dice Step IV - uni own ink eat age wire tire road pen dice And step IV is the last step of the rearrangement. IBPS

11 Cast gem fan rate stat uncut omit input era ace
Q.1 Input- gem stat ace cast omit fan rate uncut era input Which of the following would be the final arrangement? Cast gem fan rate stat uncut omit input era ace uncut omit input era ace cast fan gem rate stat Uncut omit input era ace stat rate gem fan cast Uncut omit input era ace stat fan gem rate cast 5. None of these IBPS

12 Rate Ace Stat Gem None of these
Q.2 In step III Which of the following word would be at sixth position from the left? Rate Ace Stat Gem None of these IBPS

13 Q. 3 Which step number would be the following output
Q.3 Which step number would be the following output? Uncut omit gem stat ace rate era input fan cast II III V IV None of these IBPS

14 Rate Input Stat Gem None of these
Q.4 In step IV of the rearrangement if omit is related era and rate is related to fan in a certain way, to which of the following would ace be related to following the same pattern? Rate Input Stat Gem None of these IBPS

15 Q.5 which of the following would be step VII?
Uncut omit input era ace stat rate gem fan cast Uncut omit input era ace rate stat fan gem cast Uncut omit input era ace cast fan gem rate stat Uncut omit input era stat ace rate gem fan cast There will be no such step as the input gets rearranged before step VII IBPS

16 Problem No. 3 Study the following information carefully and answer to given questions. A number sorting machine when given an input of numbers rearrange them in a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement Input Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Step VI And step VI is the last step of the rearrangement. IBPS

17 Q. 1 what will be step III for the following Input
Can not be determined None of these IBPS

18 Q. 2 Given below is the step V of an input. What will be the step III
Q.2 Given below is the step V of an input. What will be the step III? Step V Cannot be determined IBPS

19 Q. 3 what will be the last step for the following input
Q.3 what will be the last step for the following input? Input IBPS

20 Q.4 How many steps will be required for getting the output for the following input? Input VII IBPS

21 Problem No. 4 Study the following information carefully and answer to given questions. A number sorting machine when given an input of numbers rearrange them in a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement Input Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Step VI Step VII Since the numbers are already arranged, the machine stops after this step. Otherwise the machine may carry on its logic till the numbers get fully arranged. IBPS

22 Q.1 Which of the following will be the penultimate (last but one) step of the following input? Input IBPS

23 Q. 2 Which of the following will be step III of the following input
Q.2 Which of the following will be step III of the following input? Input IBPS

24 Q. 3 Which of the following will be step II of the following input
Q.3 Which of the following will be step II of the following input? Input None of these IBPS

25 Q. 4 in how many steps will be following input be fully arranged
Q.4 in how many steps will be following input be fully arranged? Input V IV III II None of these IBPS

26 Q. 5 which of the following will be step IV for the given input
Q.5 which of the following will be step IV for the given input? Input None of these IBPS

27 Problem No. 5 Study the following information carefully and answer to given questions. A number sorting machine when given an input of numbers rearrange them in a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement Input Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Since the numbers are already arranged, the machine stops after this step. IBPS

28 Q.1 How many steps will be required for getting the output for the following input? Input III IBPS

29 Q. 2 what will be the IV step for the following input
Q.2 what will be the IV step for the following input? Input Cannot be determined None of these IBPS

30 Q.3 If following is the II step of an input then what will be the IV step? Step II IBPS

31 Q. 4 which of the following will be last step for the given input
Q.4 which of the following will be last step for the given input? Input IBPS

32 Q. 5 Following is the step III from input
Q.5 Following is the step III from input. What will be the second step for the input? Step III Cannot be determined IBPS

33 Problem No. 6 The word & number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input & rearrangement. (Single digit numbers are preceded by a zero. All other numbers are two digit number) Input - are we saving 56 our own 43 lives Step I - we are saving 56 our own 43 lives 82 Step II - we saving are our own 43 lives Step III - we saving own are our 43 lives Step IV - we saving own our are lives Step V - we saving own our lives are Step V is the last step of the arrangement IBPS

34 there one is hope 19 27 for better day 08 33 45 49 81
Q.1 which of the following will be IV step for the given input? Input there is hope 45 for 33 one 49 better day 08 there one is hope for better day IBPS

35 Q.2 & 3 The following are the steps I, II, III, IV, & V of an input represented by A, B, C, D & E but not necessarily in this order. Rearrange them in the order of the steps and then answer the given questions. IBPS

36 Q. 2 Input- abide the 11 32 laws 50 93 17 of countless 21 nature A
Q.2 Input- abide the laws of countless 21 nature A. the of nature abide 11 laws 17 countless B. the of nature laws abide 11 countless C. the abide laws of countless 21 nature 93 D. the of nature laws countless abide E. the of abide laws 17 countless 21 nature Q. 2 Which of the following will be the step II ? E IBPS

37 Q. 3 Input- abide the 11 32 laws 50 93 17 of countless 21 nature A
Q. 3 Input- abide the laws of countless 21 nature A. the of nature abide 11 laws 17 countless B. the of nature laws abide 11 countless C. the abide laws of countless 21 nature 93 D. the of nature laws countless abide E. the of abide laws 17 countless 21 nature Q. 3 Which of the following will be the step IV? B IBPS

38 the store now 50 62 best bargain 42 in 17 available 67 75 89
Q.4 which of the following will be III step for the given input? Input the best 67 bargain 42 in stores now 75 available the store now best bargain 42 in 17 available IBPS

39 Q.5 which of the word/number below would be at the fifth position (from the left end) in step V of the input? Input the best 67 bargain 42 in stores now 75 available best IBPS

40 Problem No. 7 When a word & number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input & rearrangement. Input as hill stamp bolt total 13 alter rise Step I - alter as hill stamp bolt total rise 13 Step II - alter as 93 hill stamp bolt total rise Step III - alter as bolt 93 hill stamp total rise Step IV - alter as bolt hill 93 stamp 63 total rise Step V - alter as bolt hill rise 93 stamp total Step V - alter as bolt hill rise stamp total Step VI is the last step of the arrangement IBPS

41 Sixth from the right end
As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- ropes strong in blue ample kite Q. 1. what is the position of 47 in step III? Sixth from the right end IBPS

42 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- ropes strong in blue ample kite Q. 2. Which of the following is fifth from the left end of step V? ropes IBPS

43 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- ropes strong in blue ample kite Q. 3. what is the position of “in” in step IV? Third from the left end IBPS

44 Amble blue in kite ropes strong 77 57 47 35 33 19 12
As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- ropes strong in blue ample kite Q. 4. Which of the following is the last step of the given input? Amble blue in kite ropes strong IBPS

45 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- ropes strong in blue ample kite Q. 5. How many steps are needed to complete this arrangement? V IBPS

46 Problem No. 8 When a word & number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it rearranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input & rearrangement. Input today 32 waiting 21 are 11 people 46 bus 66 long Step I today 32 waiting people 46 bus 66 long are Step II today 32 waiting 21 people 46 bus 66 long 11 are Step III today 32 waiting 21 people long bus 11 are Step IV - today 32 waiting 21 people long 16 bus 11 are Step V - today 32 waiting people long 16 bus 11 are Step VI - today 32 waiting people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step VII - today waiting people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step VIII - waiting today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step IX - waiting today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step X waiting 46 today 32 people 21 long 16 bus 11 are Step X is the last step of the arrangement IBPS

47 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 before 72 go 34 up Q. 1. which of the word/number below would be at the fourth position (from the left end) in step IV of the input? me IBPS

48 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 before 72 go 34 up Q. 2. The following stands for which step of the rearrangement? You wake up me 23 go 13 before V IBPS

49 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 before 72 go 34 up Q. 3. which of the following would be step II for the above input? 23 you wake 81 me go 34 up 13 before IBPS

50 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 before 72 go 34 up Q. 4. How many steps are needed to complete this arrangement? IX IBPS

51 As per the rules followed I the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps fro the given input. Input- 23 you 13 wake 81 me 43 before 72 go 34 up Q. 5. which of the following would be the last but one step for the input? You wake 43 up 34 me 23 go 13 before IBPS

52 Problem No. 9 Given an input a coding machine generates pass codes for six batches every day as follows: Input- A couple of cars speed down the road password: Batch I- A of couple cars down speed road the Batch II- of A couple down cars speed the road Batch III- of couple A down speed cars road the Batch IV- couple of A speed down cars the road Batch V- couple A of speed cars down road the Batch VI- A couple of cars speed down the road and so on till the sixth batch…. The first batch timing is 9.00 am and each batch is of one hours duration. There is a rest period of on hour after the fourth batch work is over.. IBPS

53 but treatment laser can up to last year two
Q. 1. Ashok was initially given a pass code by the machine for the batch at 11.00am as “but laser treatment can last up to two years” how ever he had to work in the batch at am on that day. What was then his pass code generated by the machine? but treatment laser can up to last year two IBPS

54 calls mother my ask to often harry about
Q. 2. if can input on a day is “my mother calls often to ask about harry” what will be the pass code for the batch prior to the rest period? calls mother my ask to often harry about IBPS

55 A it was climb dream to the boat
Q. 3. the pass code for the batch immediately before the rest hour was “it was A dream to climb the boat” what was the input on that day? A it was climb dream to the boat IBPS

56 We get can on this with obstacle now
Q. 4. The input for pass code on a day was “we can get on with this obstacle now” what was the pass code for the last batch on that day? We get can on this with obstacle now IBPS

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