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What are the names of the SEVEN DWARFS?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the names of the SEVEN DWARFS?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the names of the SEVEN DWARFS?
On a sheet of paper, Write down ALL of your answers in a stream of consciousness. Wrong answers are more important than the correct answers. What are the names of the SEVEN DWARFS?

2 Memory Difficulty of the Task Tip-of-the-Tongue Phenomenon
Organization of memory by sound, letter, meaning Recall vs. Recognition


4 Memory Memory is the basis for knowing your friends, your neighbors, the English language, the national anthem, and yourself. If memory was nonexistent, everyone would be a stranger to you; every language foreign; every task new; and even you yourself would be a stranger. An event is such a little piece of time and space, leaving only a mindglow behind like the tail of a shooting star. Far a lack of a better word, we call that scintillation memory. Diane Ackerman, An Alchemy of Mind, 2004

5 The Phenomenon of Memory
Memory is any indication that learning has persisted over time. It is our ability to store and retrieve information. OBJECTIVE 1| Define memory, and explain how flashbulb memories differ from other memories.

6 Flashbulb Memory A unique and highly emotional moment may give rise to a clear, strong, and persistent memory called flashbulb memory. However, this memory is not free from errors. Ruters/ Corbis President Bush being told of 9/11 attack.

7 Stages of Memory Sequential Process Keyboard (Encoding) Disk (Storage)
Monitor (Retrieval) Sequential Process

8 Information Processing
The Atkinson-Schiffrin (1968) three-stage model of memory includes a) sensory memory, b) short-term memory, and c) long-term memory. OBJECTIVE 2| Describe Atkinson-Schiffrin’s classic three-stage model of memory and explain how contemporary model of working memory differs. Bob Daemmrich/ The Image Works Frank Wartenberg/ Picture Press/ Corbis Bob Daemmrich/ The Image Works

9 Sensory Memory The immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system. Stored just for an instant, and most gets unprocessed.

10 Examples: You lose concentration in class during a lecture. Suddenly you hear a significant word and return your focus to the lecture. You should be able to remember what was said just before the key word since it is in your sensory register. If someone is reading to you, you must be able to remember the words at the beginning of a sentence in order to understand the sentence as a whole. These words are held in a relatively unprocessed sensory memory.

11 Short-Term Memory Memory that holds a few items briefly.
Seven digits (plus or minus two). The info will be stored into long-term or forgotten. How do you store things from short-term to long-term? You must repeat things over and over to put them into your long-term memory. Rehearsal

12 Working Memory (Modern day STM)
Another way of describing the use of short-term memory is called working memory. Working-Memory has three parts: Audio Visual Integration of audio and visual (controls where you attention lies)

13 Long-Term Memory The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system.

14 Working Memory Alan Baddeley (2002) proposes that working memory contains auditory and visual processing controlled by the central executive through an episodic buffer.

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