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Mrs. Chris Forster 8th Grade Language Arts

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1 8th Grade Language Arts 2014-2015
Mrs. Chris Forster 8th Grade Language Arts Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. Roy Rogers

2 Background 34th Year Teaching Studied: MSU, OU, UM.
26th Year in RCS. 12th Year at VH Previous: University Hills, West, Oxnard, CA Centerline. Studied: MSU, OU, UM. District - Teacher Leader 11 years, ELA Pilot & Review Team, New Teacher Mentor, Student Teacher Mentor, Harvard’s Project Zero Visible Thinking, Think from the Middle Presenter, AARI Training; SIP Writing

3 Curriculum & theCommon Core
Common Core – Standards and Benchmarks Goal might be to identify how setting affects plot Curriculum – the materials and units used to meet goals. i.e. Unit 4: Analyzing Theme & Symbol

4 Writing Composition Writing leads, conclusions
Elaborating with appropriate details Improving fluency and word choice Formatting in MLA Demonstrating good mechanics and rhetorical skills

5 Research – 3rd Quarter Evaluating Sources Note taking Outlining
Writing Thesis statements Supporting statements We spend most of the 3rd Quarter learning how to write a research paper. Then students write a 2-4 page paper on a selected topic. All papers must conform to MLA standards

6 Why is ELA 8 So Hard? All work is assessed based on merit and quality. No credit is given simply for finishing work. Expectation for answers is to cite multiple pieces of textual evidence and use that evidence to analyze selections for

7 What is a good answer? Specific details are “lifted” from the text to support any inferences made. (evidence) Includes enough elaboration to completely answer the question.

8 What details make the setting seem real? (historical fiction)
WEAK: The way they dress, cook, and do things. The river and the docks. STRONG: Mattie worries that her dress is showing her ankles or that her elbows might show because this is considered unladylike. The Cooks walk to market, and Mattie describes carriages and pigs running free in the street. Mother stitches quilts and spins yarn.

9 Work Corrections Written tasks on which students have not shown mastery may be redone and returned. The original and new grade will be averaged.

10 Grading and Evaluation
Based on total points Reports, projects, and compositions scored using a rubric. (4-100 points) Tests points Quizzes 5-25 points Daily work –usually 2 pts/response ½ total value for unproven answer Credit/no credit – usually 4 points

11 Grade Spreadsheets Please note that I grade on TOTAL POINTS.
An assignment that is worth only a few points often shows up as low score when it actually has little effect on the grade. i.e. 3/ / /30 = 48/54 = 89% 75% + 90% % = = 85%

12 Grade Spreadsheets Continued
Special Scores NHI = Not Handed In (0%) Your student was here but did not have his/her assignment. AB = Absent (NC) Child ill when work was assigned or corrected IP = In Progress (50%) Student has not completed absent work, but he/she has received the assignment

13 Extra Credit There will be limited opportunities to complete extra credit. Any extra credit given will be: Connected to curriculum Offered to all Completed one week prior to end of marking period

14 Late Assignments Students are expected to turn work in on time!
Late work will be penalized after the 1st Quarter. Late work must be turned in within one week.

15 Rules Be respectful of other people and property Do your best work!

16 Track Your Child’s Progress
My RCS – Allows you to access your student’s information. Make sure I have your address. Webpage – I post lesson plans. Although there might be slight changes, you will know about important due dates. Twitter

17 Communication School phone: (248)726-4900 Van Hoosen Website
My extension is 4941 I am available from 10:54-11:51 and before or school. Van Hoosen Website

18 Thank you!

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