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Presentation on theme: "Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government

2 Life Without Government
Without government – life would be chaotic. Darfur in Sudan Civil War/Genocide

3 Our Government Keeps peace Protects our country
Providing necessary services Maintaining other institutions

4 Keeps Peace Keeps peace
makes and enforces laws that protect rights so people can live in peace. Our courts settle disputes.

5 Protects our Country Defend from outside attacks,
Maintaining armed forces Making treaties with other countries to keep peace and help each other.

6 Provides Services Providing necessary services
build and maintain roads, sewers and schools.

7 Maintains Institutions
Maintains other institutions – helps to maintain the other institutions in society. Protects our freedom of religion (Religion) schools (Education) services to families in need (such as aid in the event of a natural disaster (Katrina, 911).

8 Types of Governments Dictatorship Democracy Monarch
Constitutional Monarch

9 Democracy Power is shared by the people. Democracy means – government by the people. People vote and decide how their government will protect their rights and freedoms and meet their needs. The United States was the first modern democracy.

10 Dictatorship Controlled by one person, called a dictator. Take power by FORCE. Come to power when the existing government is weak or has lost public support. Typically military leaders. Rely on armed forces to maintain control. Hitler in Germany and Sadam Hussein in Iraq.

11 Monarch The power is in the hands of one individual. Monarchs are hereditary. The power stays in the family. King, queen, emperor are titles in monarchs. A present day monarch would be in Saudi Arabia.

12 Constitutional Monarch
Nations that have become democracies that were monarchs Great Britain, Japan Maintain a monarch for ceremonial duties, but the real power is held by democratic elections. This type of government is called a constitutional monarch.

13 Laws Laws are formal rules that govern our behavior in society.
The most basic and important laws of our nation our written down in a document called the CONSTITUTION.

14 The Constitution The constitution tells what the government can and cannot do and it list rights that are guaranteed to states and citizens. Town and state governments can make their own laws as long as they don’t conflict with the Constitution.

15 Punishment Laws influence everything we do. If you break laws there is a punishment – punishment depends on how serious the crime is. (from paying a fine to going to jail.)

16 Citizens influence laws
Citizens have the right to express their opinion and change laws they feel are unfair or harmful to society. Government responds when it hears these demands. (You must be active – can’t just complain to your neighbor and expect a change.)

17 Patriotism September 11, 2001 resulted in nationwide patriotism. Patriotism is the demonstration of love and devotion to one’s country. Examples of this: Display the flag, songs, Pledge of Allegiance

18 Political Socialization
Individuals learn correct political behavior in our culture. The process of learning how to behave politically is called political socialization. Why it is important to defend freedom of speech, say the Pledge of Allegiance, respect the will of the people (through the majority vote), show support for our troops, etc.

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