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Apo View Hotel, Davao City, February 13-14, 2009

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1 Apo View Hotel, Davao City, February 13-14, 2009
Multi-Sectoral Consultation for GFC Affected Workers in Selected Agri-Based Industries Apo View Hotel, Davao City, February 13-14, 2009

2 COCONUT INDUSTRY Workshop Output

3 Profile Area planted to coconut recorded an increase of 0.64% which
represents 27% of the total agricultural land in the country. 68 out of 79 provinces in the country are coconut areas of which there are 1,195 coconut municipalities. There are about 3.64 million coconut farmers and farm workers all over the country. Reports show that about 5,520 are in coconut oil processing and desiccated coconut processing in region 11 alone.

4 Issues and Concerns

5 1 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies
Low price of copra (from as high as P35/kilo down to P16.50/kilo) resulting to diminished income Recommendations Enforcement of quality based pricing system Government to take out the 2% VAT (from the traders group) Multi-cropping Immediate release and final recovery of the coconut levy fund Livelihood intervention to workers and/or dependents Responsible Agencies PCA, DA, BIR, DTI, LGU, PICOPA, United Coconut Association of the Philippines (UCAP)

6 2 Issue Recommendation Responsible Agencies
Expensive farm production inputs Recommendation Promotion and adoption of organic farming Responsible Agencies DOLE, DA, DOST

7 3 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies
Low production due to senile trees Recommendations Establishment of coconut nursery Massive replanting and replacement of trees Massive info dissemination about Bio-Diesel Act Massive replanting of coconut trees thru organic fertilization prog. Responsible Agencies PCA, CFOs, LGUs, NGOs, oil millers, CIIF

8 4 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies Market driven industry
- no price control/unstable price of coconut products - decrease in demand of coconut products as much as 20% Recommendations Promotion of non-traditional coconut products (product diversification/innovation) Intensification of product development Responsible Agencies DTI, DOST, PCA

9 5 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies
Lack of infrastructure - post harvest facilities - farm-to-market road Recommendations Rehabilitation of farm-to-market roads Fund assistance for production of organic fertilizer using coco peat as medium Fund assistance for copra dryers Responsible Agencies LGU, DPWH, Office of the Representatives/Senate, Bureau of Postharvest Research and Extension

10 6 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies
Infestation of pests and diseases (Brontispa longissima) Recommendations Enforcement of no permit no transport policy by Brontispa Task Force by the LGU RDC intervention Encouragement of coconut farmers’ participation in information drive for early detection of the pest Responsible Agencies PCA, LGU, DA, CFOs, PNP, BPI

11 7 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies
Stiff market competition with Sri Lanka and Indonesia Recommendations Maintain good quality of desiccated coconut Organic Farming Practices Responsible Agencies Coconut farmer, DTI, Coco processors

12 8 Issue Recommendations Responsible Agencies
Low availment /participation of coconut farmers to the National Coconut Productivity Program (Participatory Coconut Planting Program) Recommendations Massive info dissemination Clear budget allocation per region and per province PCA and CIIF (Coconut Industry Investment Fund) to sustain program implementation Responsible Agencies PCA, LGU, CIIF

13 9 Issue Recommendation Responsible Agencies
Issuance of moratorium (RA 8048 Coconut Preservation Act of 1995) - No cutting of coconut trees except for personal use or not to exceed 5 trees Recommendation Lifting of moratorium to allow selected cutting of senile trees Responsible Agencies PNP, LGU

14 10 Issue Recommendation Responsible Agencies
High farm labor cost (informal sector) Recommendation DOLE to study contracting arrangements in farm labor Responsible Agencies DOLE, RTWPB, PCA

15 11 Issue Recommendation Responsible Agencies
Limited market for non-traditional products Recommendation Market linkage assistance by PCA and DTI Responsible Agencies PCA, DTI

16 Desiccated Coconut/Oil Millers
ISSUES/CONCERNS RECOMMENDATIONS RESPONSIBLE AGENCIES 1. Procurement of raw materials is under loan through local banks with high interest rate and longer return of investment (ROI) Provision of special loan windows by government and GFIs to oil millers, processors, producers, farmers, dealers UCPB CIIF LBP DBP Quedancor 2. Decline in demand in the export market Increase blending rate from the current 1% for the biodiesel Ucap DOE 3. Labor Dispute/ CBA deadlock Quick and speedy resolution of cases filed in DOLE DOLE 4. Operating below capacity rate plants Intensify/massive planting and fertilization of coconut trees PCA to regulate oil millers PCA Oil millers

17 Thank you

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