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Session 1: Consequences of E-Cigarette Use

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1 Session 1: Consequences of E-Cigarette Use
CATCH My Breath Session 1: Consequences of E-Cigarette Use Suggested length: 35 minutes

2 …but that doesn’t mean they’re harmless.
E-CIGARETTES HAVE FEWER HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS THAN CONVIENTIONAL CIGARETTES… …but that doesn’t mean they’re harmless. Vaporizers, E-Cigs, and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) [Digital image]. (2016, May 5). Retrieved September 7, 2016, from

3 What have you heard, seen, or thought about E-cigarettes?
Record your response to the question above on an index card or paper. Direct Instruction (10 min.) Distribute an index card or cut up paper square to each student. Ask students to record responses to the following question on their index card: What have you heard, seen, or thought about E-cigarettes? (Stress that there are no wrong answers and they do NOT need to include their name on the index card) Collect the index cards. Read responses aloud to the class. (List students’ answers on the board.)

4 Video: What is an E-cigarette and how does it work?
Click to play video.

5 Vapor Aerosol E-cigarette “vapor” is NOT water vapor. It is an aerosol made up of ultrafine particles containing nicotine and harmful chemicals. Share this fact about E-cigarettes with students: E-cigarette “vapor” is NOT water vapor. It is an aerosol made up of ultrafine particles containing nicotine and harmful chemicals. [Digital image]. (2016, July 27). Retrieved September 7, 2016, from

6 Nearly all E-cigarettes contain nicotine
Nearly all E-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is nearly as addictive as heroin. As a teen, your brain is still developing, making it much easier for you to get addicted to nicotine. Explain: Nearly all E-cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is nearly as addictive as heroin. As a teen, your brain is still developing, making it easier for you to get addicted to nicotine.

7 JUUL: Still an e-Cigarette
Just like other e- cigarettes, JUULing involves inhaling dangerous chemicals. All JUUL pods contain nicotine. In fact, JUUL claims each pod contains as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes (about 200 puffs). Explain (2-5 mins) that there is a large amount of nicotine in each JUUL pod. These devices are not any different than other e-cigarettes. Note for Teacher: it’s important to explain to the students that you and the administration at your school know what JUULs are and will not accept the use of them in or on school property. For more information on JUUL to prepare you for this topic, visit: Image source:

8 All states have restrictions around the sale, purchase, or use of E-cigarettes or nicotine containers to a minor. As of December 15, 2018, West Virginia does have the following provisions for e-cigarettes: Sale/distribution of vapor products to persons under age 18 years is prohibited. Vending machine sales of vapor products restricted to places inaccessible to persons under age 18. Use/possession of tobacco products or tobacco-derived products by persons under age 18 prohibited. Use of tobacco-derived products prohibited in schools and on school grounds. NO regulations are in place for e-cigarette packaging. Explain: All states have restrictions around the sale, purchase, or use of E-cigarettes or nicotine containers to a minor. Visit the website to find the specific restrictions and age requirements for your state. Most states require you to be at least 18, though more states are now increasing the age to 21 in order to purchase. Link: *Click link, click your state on the map, and scroll to “What restrictions are in place for retail or youth access?” for age restrictions and other information.*

9 E-Cigarettes are known to occasionally explode in your pocket or your mouth…
Explain: E-cigarettes are known to occasionally explode in your pocket or your mouth. Figure 1. Initial presentation. A, extraoral view of lips. B, Upper labial mucosa. C, Lower labial mucosa. D, Teeth involved. E, Hard palate. F, Soft palate. Roger et al. Oral Trauma After Explosion of E-Cigarette. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2016

10 Drum Roll Please… Assemble into 4 small groups.

11 E-cigarette Ingredient Investigation
Each group will research 2 E-cigarette ingredients. Read about your assigned E-cigarette ingredient (listed below). Record your group’s reactions. Nicotine Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acrolein Diacetyl 2,3-pentanedione Propylene glycol 8,000+ flavor chemicals

12 Activity 1: E-cigarette Ingredient Investigation
Please share with the class what you found out about: Nicotine Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acrolein Diacetyl 2,3-pentanedione Propylene glycol 8,000+ flavor chemicals

13 Activity 2: Negative Consequences of Using E-cigarettes
Stay in your small group. For 3 minutes, talk about the following: List negative consequences of using E-cigarettes. Include, but think beyond health consequences. Think about how E-cigarettes could affect social relationships, family relationships, personal identity, and goals. After 3 minutes, share some of your ideas with the class.

14 Activity 2: Negative Consequences of Using E-cigarettes
Possible Answers Costs a lot of money, about $100 to get started Long-term addiction Vapor contains toxic chemicals Poor influence on younger siblings Get in trouble at school or by parents Get suspended from sports Get in trouble with the law Lose the trust of parents Harms babies Harms your body Nausea, dry mouth, dizziness

15 What new information have you gained?
Closing (3-5 min.) Review the list of what students had heard, seen or thought about E-cigarettes. Ask: What new Information have you gained? All photos unless otherwise cited were sourced from Pixabay.

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