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Overview of Progress with Management Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Progress with Management Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Progress with Management Procedures
By the Panel For the Industry Consultations

2 Industry Briefing To Explain Progress with Management Procedures.
To Receive Industry Feedback about Practical Constraints. To Discuss Objectives and Weightings.

3 Operating Models Used So Far

4 Simple Rule Based MPs Simple Rules are Constant Catch or declining or increasing catch. Examples can be seen in A1-A3 of paper MP 6. These are not practical proposals! But, they help us to understand the nature of the Operating Models




8 Data (cpue) Based Man. Procs.

9 Details of Japan’s CPUE MPs

10 Details of Australia’s CPUE MPs




14 Assessment Based Man. Procs.

15 Details of Assessment Based MPs

16 Results from J1 and J2 for Unproductive Scenario (OM) MP 12 Fig 2.1

17 Results from J1 and J2 for Productive Scenario (OM) MP 12 Fig 2.1


19 Weighty Issues We need to find ways to Weight the various Operating Models (Scenarios). Chiefly in terms of how well they fit past data. (Mostly a scientific problem) We need to weight the various objectives. {e.g. Catch, Catch Variation, Biomass, etc} What these are and what weights they get are issues for Administrators and Industry input.

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