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Unlocking the Future & Distinct SA Research Opportunities

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1 Unlocking the Future & Distinct SA Research Opportunities
Ben Durham Background to the new framework, and instructions to Applicants

2 Focus Area Prog. Grants 2002 Focus Area Budget approx R80 mill

3 FA Prog. grants 2002 15.7% of FA budget to Social Sciences & Humanities

4 UTF grants 2002

5 Reason for FA’s The purpose of the nine focus area programmes is to build the knowledge base by directing research into areas of strategic importance to South Africa 7 Directed Focus Areas have a particular topical subject/issue focus that are directly in line with national priorities. Why more than this?

6 Reason for ‘Open’ FA’s 1) Distinct SA Research Opportunities
No. of issues / problems / opportunities that occur in SA that do not fall within the Directed FA’s =>SA needs to have local expertise and generate local knowledge to understand & deal with these.

7 1) Distinct SA Research Opportunities Examples (only) of (possible) research issues:
Transformation in SA society SA cultural heritage & identity formation SA geology Southern Skies SA health SA palaeontology & archaeology

8 Reason for Open FA’s 2) Unlocking the Future: Advancing and
Reason for Open FA’s 2) Unlocking the Future: Advancing and Strengthening Strategic Knowledge Innovation and discovery have no boundaries & SA must build on and exploit the strengths & advantages of current research community Push frontiers of knowledge, develop theories, methodological innovation & discovery Create, maintain & position the Knowledge base Contribute to the sound fundamental base of Science Ensure national & international recognition of high quality of research.

9 Practicalities: 1) Researchers must first seek a home in the more directed focus area programmes. 2) For DSA, researchers must convincingly motivate a) relevance to SA ito the distinctness or uniqueness of the ‘problem’ b) why the proposal does not fit elsewhere. 3) The minimum entry hurdle in UTF is ‘world class research”. Competition is fierce. Focus Areas are moving towards more comprehensive funding for FEWER proposals.

10 New Framework: Who may apply for funding? Funding cycles:
Research staff based at NRF-recognized research institutions Funding cycles: Unrated researchers: Two years times three and then to obtain a rating NRF-rated researchers: Up to 5 years, but synchronised with rating cycle

11 Alignment: rating & proposal

12 General Process Forms:
Validation by institution NRF screening Postal peer review (NB. note change of target audience) Panel assessment Grant awards Feedback (on request) Appeals

13 Process : Peer review Scientific Merit: Postal Peer review:
4 - 6 reviewers (specialists). Applicant may nominate or veto Significance originality / innovation / importance / viability in terms of contribution to disciplines Approach Justification / methods / design / newness Feasibility expertise, progress, preliminary data

14 Process : Panel Context & relevance & funding
Consensus scientific merit informed by the peer reviewer reports * Relevance to Focus Area * Human Resource Capacity Development * Strategic importance of outcomes * Appropriateness of resources Advice on fundability and level of funding Student support Operating costs Staff development grants * = ‘weighted’

15 Process : appeal Applicants can query the outcome of their submission to gain more information and a perspective on the relationship between the quality of the proposal and the funding decision. Because of the rigorous application of a national and international peer review process that provides benchmarking of the quality, appeals will normally not be considered.

16 Dept of Education: block grant
SA Research Support Dept of Education: block grant +/- R700 million NRF FA budget 80 mill 130 mill Innovation Fund THRIP R180 mill

17 Summary Requested period of support varies
Scientific Merit reviewed by specialists Generalist panel will advise on relevance & funding Entry hurdle for Focus Area support is higher than ‘incremental & useful contributions’ Potential support for fewer researchers More defendable decisions (feedback only on request). -o0o-

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