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You will need to click the login button here

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Presentation on theme: "You will need to click the login button here"— Presentation transcript:

1 You will need to click the login button here

2 You will need to insert you user name & password here

3 It will show you are logged in here

4 Scroll down and click on the Primary Schools link

5 You need to click on the appropriate school

6 Before you can start adding courses, etc, you must turn the editing function on

7 Click on the button to add a new course

8 You need to give your course a name

9 This section can be changed to suit the course needs

10 Once the information has been completed, you can then save the changes and create your course.

11 This is where you can set your staff permissions – but for today just click to enter your course

12 Remember to turn the editing on to start editing your course.

13 You can now start entering information about your course
Click on the pencil to start

14 There is a toolbar to help you change the way your information looks
You can now entering information about your course, insert images, etc.

15 You can add a resource( Word document, PowerPoint, etc) by looking at the drop down & selecting Link to a file or website

16 Fill in the information needed for your file.
You now need to search for your file.

17 You will need to upload a file

18 You will then need to browse for the file

19 Select the file you require, then click open

20 Upload

21 Click choose to select the file

22 Your file will appear here
You will need to save this and return to your course

23 Your file will appear here

24 You can view how you pupils will see it in student view

25 Click here to add an image

26 This page will appear You will need to browse for you pre-saved image

27 Find the image you want and the select Open

28 You will see the link appears here and you will need to upload

29 Your image file name will appear here, click on the name…
…and your image information will appear here. You MUST add an alternate text for your image. Then click OK for the image to appear on your page

30 If you want to see how your students will see the page you can click on a student role to view it
Remember to switch back to normal role before carrying on with your work!

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