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Department of Business and Social Sciences

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1 Department of Business and Social Sciences
Education in Management of Business and Organisations Bachelor and Master programmes in Business Administration and Business Studies at Roskilde University Jørn Kjølseth Møller Department of Business and Social Sciences Head of Study

2 Interdisciplinarity and Problem Orientation (and Practise)
Educational principles Underlying the educational programmes offered by Roskilde University are the following principles: Interdisciplinarity and Problem Orientation (and Practise) Project Work (no less than 50 % of all Training) Collaborative Learning in Groups (Group Work) Research Based Education - a close Connection between Research and Learning Full time programmes

3 Research Topics HR(M) Leadership and Trust Organisational Change
CSR and Legitimacy Strategy and Business Models Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project Management Accounting and Finance HR(M)

4 Specialisation and Progression
In the bachelor program you have to know the theory and method of the specific business economic profile represented by the business education at Roskilde University (and be comfortable with our approach to methodology and the analysis of an enterprise). In the master program you must be able within a social science perspective to analyze business economic and administrative issues - both the practical and scientific issues - and use appropriate methods of analysis (reflect on the implications of the chosen theory and methodology). At the PhD level you must be able to confront the subject area's various theories and provide new empirical findings.

5 The training is aimed at employment in mostly private companies
BSc in Business Administration Business administration provides an introduction to the classical disciplines of Business Economics such as Organisation, Accounting and Financial Management, Marketing and Sales, Strategy and Business Law The bachelor program is a single-subject bachelor degree particularly specialised in project management as an analytical and practical management discipline The specificity of the BA program is also the project work as an teaching and learning form. In addition, inter-disciplinarity between social science and business administration knowledge of business and the private sector is in focus The training is aimed at employment in mostly private companies


7 BSC in Business Studies
The aim of the bachelor module of Business Studies is to give the student a fundamental understanding of the enterprise and it's function, and of the methods and theories that are relevant for the study of business and organisations. In addition, the module gives the student a theoretical and methodological basis for the economic evaluation and use of the different resources of the firm. The project should deal with a problem selected by your own choice in relation to general business theory, organisation, leadership, technology and innovation, finance and economic management, marketing and sales, external accounting or business law.


9 MSc Business Studies Core Elements

10 MSc in Economics & Business Administration
The Master Programme in Economics and Business Admini-stration at Roskilde University is a full time, single subject master of science programme. The programme is composed of 4 semesters, which equivalents a 2 years full study for the completion of the programme (120 ECTS). Each completed semester rewards a total of 30 ECTS. Main disciplines in the master program are: Business Leadership and Management, Business Studies, Advanced Organisation Theory, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, the Institutional Environment & Business Relations, Resources & Value Creation and Strategic Leadership

11 Single Subject MSc Programme in Economics and Business Administration (RUC)
4. Semester Thesis(30 ECTS) 3c. Semester (30 ECTS) Course in Legitimacy and the Public (5 ECTS) Course in Strategic Leadership Course in Resources and Value Creation (10 ECTS) Elective Course: Workshop in Problem Driven Leadership or Leader Lab (Action Learning) Elective Course: Thematic Seminar in Relations and Environment 3b. Semester Practise Based Project(Employment): Management of internal and external relations of Companies (15 ECTS) 3a. Semester Elective Course: Workshop in Problem Driven Leadership or Leader Lab Project (Study): Management of internal and external relations of Companies 2b. Semester Course in Management of Innovation Course in Managerial Economics of Innovative Enterprises Thematic Seminar in Organising Complex and Interorgani-sational Innovation Processes Practise Based Project (Employment): Innovation and Management of Innovation 2a. Semester Project (Study): Innovation and Management of Innovation 1. Semester Course in Leadership in Business and Organisations Course in Advandced Organisation Theory Course in Business Studies Project (Study): Leadership in Business and Organisations


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