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Presentation on theme: "ERWAT GREEN DROP PRESENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

By Mr L. Mathomu

2 INTRODUCTION This presentation is aimed at addressing the GD approach / methodology that ERWAT is undertaking to maintain and achieve the green drop status in all its 19 plants GD assessment focus Green drop KPIs Indicating the current status in all its 19 plants Identifying the gaps and how to mitigate those identified gaps

3 APPOACH USED Conducting both internal and external GD audit on a quarterly basis Setting up green drop targets per plant – above 90% Creating a healthy competition within the department – plant that achieved their set targets are awarded with recognition certificates of achievement and also braais Engagement of all the stakeholders involved in achieving or attaining GD targets i.e. from general worker through to management and the council Implementation of risk committee that focuses on the implementation of the W2RAP and also buy-in from the top management.

4 GD ASSESSMENT FOCUS: Green drop assessment focuses on the entire value chain of the waste water business Reticulation Pumping Treatment Discharge

Drainage District Treatment Facility Liquid Treatment Technology Sludge Treatment Technology Design (Ml/day) WW Quality DD3 Benoni Biological filters Anaerobic digestion 16 12 Esther Park Activated sludge & BNR Via pipeline to Hartebeesfontein 0,45 13.5 Hartebeesfontein 63 Olifantsfontein Anaerobic digestion, belt presses 105 Rynfield Biological filters & Activated sludge 10 DD5A Ancor Activated sludge &BNR 34 Welgedacht Belt presses, drying beds 85 JP Marais Via pipeline to Welgedacht 15 Daveyton Sludge lagoon Jan Smuts Aerobic digestion, drying beds 9,1 DD5B Carl Grundling Aerobic digestion 5 11.4 Herbert Bickley 18,75 Tsakane Activated sludge Gravity thickening 10,8 11.8 Heidelberg Belt presses, open digesters 8 9.2 Ratanda Drying beds DD6 Dekema 31 13.4 Rondebult 20 11.1 Vlakplaats Biological filters & BNR Activated sludge Anaerobic and aerobic digestion 83 13.35 Waterval Anaerobic digestion, DAF 170 13,4

6 GREEN DROP KPIs Process control and maintenance
Registration certificates, Manuals, logbooks and training Wastewater monitoring programme Operational and compliance monitoring Sampling schedules, frequency and analysed determinants Submission of water quality data Submission to DWA and GDS

7 GREEN DROP KPIs Wastewater effluent quality compliance
Chemical, Physical and Microbiological Compliance Wastewater quality risk management Waste water risk Abatement plant (W2RAP) Incident Register and management protocol Local regulation Bylaws and enforcement

8 GREEN DROP KPIs Wastewater treatment capacity
Wastewater Treatment Works Re-grading Wastewater asset management Audits Water Use Authorisation, Civil, Annual ISO and Green Drop audits. Audits are done internal & externally Cumulative risk analysis Assessment focusses on the wastewater treatment

9 Overall Scoring Cumulative Risk Analysis Green Drop Key to CRR Score
90-100% Critical Risk WWTW 70-<90% High Risk WWTW 50-<70% Medium Risk WWTW <50% Low Risk WWTW Key to Green Drop Score 90-100% Excellent situation, need to maintain 80-<90% Good status, improve where gaps identified 50-<80% Average performance, ample room for improvement 31-<50% Very poor performance, need targeted intervention 0-<31% Critical state, need urgent intervention

10 GREEN DROP RESULTS Key to Green Drop Score Excellent
Performance summary July 2016-June 2017 July 2017-Dec 2017 Q1 Q2, Q3 Q4 Q2 Jul 16 - Sep 16 Oct 16- Dec 16 Jan 17 - Mar 17 Apr 17 - Jun 17 Jul 17 - Sep 17 Oct 17- Dec 17 ERWAT 92,8% 88,5% 91,8% 90,6% 88,70% 89,08% Drainage District 3 91,7% 87,8% 93,6% 92,1% 91,46% 88,99% Benoni 89,7% 89,4% 87,7% 87,25% 91,04% Esther Park 78,8% 94,0% 95,7% 94,2% 93,01% 89.22% Hartebeestfontein 93,0% 85,2% 97,5% 96,0% 87,61% Olifantsfontein 96,5% 79,7% 90,1% 92,2% 95,40% 76.24% Rynfield 98,1% 95,5% 90,3% 94,00% 88,32% Drainage District 5 88,0% 84,8% 86,1% 85,5% 84,04% 88,48% Ancor 81,2% 78,1% 76,1% 75,7% 72,70% 79,50% Carl Grundlingh 95,0% 87,3% 85,15% 88,10% Daveyton 94,1% 91,2% 89,00% 96,90% Heidelberg 90,7% 79,1% 78,4% 80,8% 83,10% 82,50% Herbert Bickley 87,9% 85,3% 84,7% 82,8% 89,40% 90,20% Jan Smuts 90,9% 77,4% 81,0% 78,90% 93,60% JP Marais 87,1% 84,4% 94,30% Ratanda 82,5% 92,5% 86,4% 93,3% 86,10% Tsakane 92,6% 75,00% 79,10% Welgedacht 82,6% 92,0% 76,2% 89,70% 91,90% Drainage District 6 98,7% 95,8% 90,62% 89,77% Dekema 100,0% 92,9% 95,9% 96,1% 91,06% 93,40% Rondebult 98,3% 77,52% 74,73% Vlakplaats 96,95% 92,69% Waterval 97,7% 98,26% Key to Green Drop Score 90-100% Excellent 80-<90% Good & can improve 50-<80% Average

11 % Compliance Per Determinant
GREEN DROP RESULTS Q2 2016/2017 % Compliance Per Determinant %Physical Compliance %Chemical Compliance %Micro Compliance %pH %EC %COD %NH3 %NO3 %PO4 %SS %E. Coli ANCOR 100 9 86 99 96 39 49 80 72 BENONI 98 C. GRUNDLINGH 68 60 82 DEKEMA 85 88 87 97 94 93 DAVEYTON ESTHER PARK 91 45 84 HARTEBEESTFONTEIN 59 12 69 HEIDELBERG 74 90 89 H. BICKLEY 92 95 JAN SMUTS 38 JP MARAIS OLIFANTSFONTEIN 16 58 14 RATANDA RONDEBULT 66 73 RYNFIELD 83 TSAKANE 63 43 78 71 VLAKPLAATS WATERVAL 90 and above 80 to 89 70 to 79 Less than 70

Key Performance Area Weighting KPA Average DD3 Average DD5 Average DD6 Average Q2 for ERWAT Process Control & Maintenance Skills 10 9 Monitoring Programme 15 Submission of Results 5 Effluent Quality Compliance 30 16 24 22 21 Risk Management 13 11 12 Local Regulation 4 Treatment Capacity Asset Management 14



15 Summary, Recommendations & Identified gaps
Process control & Maintenance Skills All regions are compliant In some plants the O&M manual is not sufficient Recommendation Consolidation of the O&M manual is required with index page and cross referencing

16 Summary, Recommendations & Identified gaps
Monitoring Programme Full score was achieved for the criteria Submission of Results Full score was achieved

17 Summary, Recommendations & Identified gaps
Effluent Quality Compliance There are various effluent quality failures but process controllers together with plant managers can undertake required actions to improve compliance – Optimization of the process Recommendation Root cause analysis to be undertaken for all incidents and addresses through risk assessment process (W2RAP)

18 Summary, Recommendations & Identified gaps
Risk Management Heidelberg, Ratanda and Lesedi LM are not part of the W2RAP process and this present huge risk Recommendation Improve alignment between WSA and WSP during risk assessment process

19 Summary, Recommendations & Identified gaps
Local Regulation Treatment Capacity: - Capacity challenges in some plants - Re-grading of some plants - Implementation of recommendations from the study Asset Management



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