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Unit 3 Practice Test Answer KEY

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1 Unit 3 Practice Test Answer KEY
Check your answers after you have completed your practice test. Look over your answers. Go back through the practice test and review the questions that you missed.

2 A1 Red

3 A2 Star moving away from Earth

4 A3 The Hubble telescope is above the Earth’s atmosphere

5 A4 The blue star is hotter because blue light has a higher energy

6 A5 5000 mm

7 A6 Color

8 A7 Each element has a different emission line

9 A8 Absorbs any hydrogen emission lines

10 A9 A

11 A10 Telescope A would produce brighter images

12 A11 Visible light

13 A12 Radio waves

14 A13 Infrared

15 A14 Gamma rays

16 A15 Visible waves

17 A16 E all are types of telescopes

18 A17 The star’s spectrum is redshifted and the star is moving away from us.

19 A18 Radio telescope

20 A19 The resolution of the images

21 A20 By comparing the absorption lines to the emissions lines of other elements

22 A21 Use a shorter focal length eyepiece

23 A22 Radio waves

24 A23 Composition of the star

25 A24 500 mm

26 A25 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

27 A26 Reflector telescope

28 A27 1/25 as bright

29 A28 250x

30 A29 CCD’s convert light into digital information to be analyzed

31 A30 They have different wavelengths
They all travel at the speed of light They can travel through empty space They have different energies

32 A31 Use a longer focal length eyepiece

33 A32 Refracting telescopes gather and bend light toward the focus of the lens Reflecting telescope use a mirror system to bounce light off the primary mirror toward the secondary mirror

34 A33 A photon is released

35 A34 Motion towards or away from the observer

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