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With your table group you should have the following materials:

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Presentation on theme: "With your table group you should have the following materials:"— Presentation transcript:

1 With your table group you should have the following materials:
4 bags of gummy bears 1 napkin 1 red laser Lab handout YOU ARE NOT TO EAT YOUR GUMMY BEARS UNTIL AFTER CLASS!!!!!


3 Absorption Lab 4/29/15 Prediction: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the red gummy bears? Picture: Observations: Picture: Observations: 54L 54R

4 Absorption Lab 4/29/15 Prediction: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the red gummy bears? Prediction 2: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the NON red gummy bears? Picture: Observations: Picture: Observations: 54L 54R

5 Absorption Lab 4/29/15 Prediction: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the red gummy bears? Prediction 2: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the NON red gummy bears? Prediction 3: How do you think this experiment would have been different if we had used a white light? Picture: Observations: Picture: Observations: 54L 54R

6 Absorption Lab 4/29/15 Prediction: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the red gummy bears? Prediction 2: What do you believe will happen when we shine a red light through the NON red gummy bears? Prediction 3: How do you think this experiment would have been different if we had used a white light? Conclusion: How did what you see in the video affirm or change what you believed? Picture: Observations: Picture: Observations: 15L 54R 54R

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