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BroilerOpt A Broiler Optimization Program Getting Started III Matrix and Diet Transfer From Brill System.

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Presentation on theme: "BroilerOpt A Broiler Optimization Program Getting Started III Matrix and Diet Transfer From Brill System."— Presentation transcript:

1 BroilerOpt A Broiler Optimization Program Getting Started III Matrix and Diet Transfer From Brill System

2 Start BroilerOpt then go to Load Least Cost The data for transfer must be set up before starting. A demo file is included in the startup directory. Open it to see how the data should be formatted. The ingredient names will be in column 1 and the nutrient names in Row 1.

3 Select an Excel File with the Data you want Click on the MatrixKg.xls file and it will be opened into a grid.

4 Now open the Sheet with the Matrix Data Once the sheet is selected the data are displayed. You can sort the rows by changing the values in the first row, change the value and click on Sort by column 1. When the ingredients are in the order you want, save the data by clicking on Save Matrix

5 Review the data for Accuracy, Order of Ingredients and Nutrients While you can change any name or value at this point, change the value of column 1 and resort the ingredients to the order you want, it is best to do this in Excel before opening the file. The first row is the Model name for a Nutrient, such as Lysine, Row 1 is your names for the nutrient. Be sure that the first 14 match. The model uses these values for its calculations in the order given.

6 Changing Ingredient Order Change the value of the ingredient you want moved, as above. You could just change Meat & Bone to 11.5 and the same outcome would result. When the order is numerically what you want, click on Sort by column 1

7 Handling Missing Amino Acid Values not a Problem If you do not normally use an amino acid, just leave it blank as in the example above. Do the same for amino acid requirements in the diets section and the model will recognize that this amino acid is not limiting. Note that the Meat & Bone moved to the lower position.

8 Save Matrix Command Sends the Data to the Program When the data are in order, click Save Matrix. The data will be read into the program and can be stored in the existing Location or in a New Location from the main Program.

9 Determine the Name for the Matrix Data Set and Save it You can save the new matrix to the existing Location/Complex name or enter a new name to give the data a unique identity. Click Save Current to save the data to a file.

10 Importing Diet Nutrients and Restrictions begins with Open Diets Entering Diet information from Excel is different as it is first copied into memory of your computer, called the Clipboard, and then into BroilerOpt. Click on Open Diets to get to that form.

11 First, copy the Diet Info from Excel to the Clipboard The data are in the same order as the Ingredient sheet. Nutrients in Row 1 and the diets (as many as you like, you can chose which to use later) in rows below that. The values are the Diet Contents, not Restrictions. Copy only the boxes that are colored green. The other info is not wanted. Highlight the colored boxes and select Edit, Copy or use Control- C to copy the data.

12 Open the Feeds Form and then select Import from Clipboard The data will be read from the Clipboard into the program. These can then be used and saved by the program. You can replace the existing diets or add the new diets to them and select between them for the ones to be fed during the growth calculations.

13 You Add the New Diets to the Existing Ones and Choose which are fed by the Model The new diets are added to the existing list. You simply enter the number 1 for the first diet you want to use, 2 for the second up to the number of diets you have chosen to use.

14 Adding Nutrient and Ingredient Restrictions is also available On the current screen, click on the Show Least Cost Info button to start. The information should be set up in Excel and is shown in the Matrixkg.xls file on the diets sheet. Each diet information is imported individually.

15 Set up the Information in Excel to Import by Diet Be sure you have the right tab (Nutrient Requirements by Diet or Ingredient Restrictions) and the correct diet. Then copy the information from Excel onto the clipboard and then Click on the Import Restrictions from Clipboard

16 Importing Diet Specs for Nutrients can be done if copied in the Proper Format Importing Nutrient Restrictions and Ingredient restrictions are similar, and prices can be imported in a list as well. Make up your own lists and copy the information in the Green only.

17 Adding Ingredient Specs and Prices are Similar Choose the right diet for Ingredient Specs, set the requirements up in Excel, Copy the Excel data with Control-C or Edit-Copy. Click on the Import Button shown above. The prices are displayed and edited here on the Ingredient Restrictions Tab but are diet independent so save them only once for all diets.

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