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Presentation on theme: "Progressivism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressivism

2 What is it? Progressivism- reaction to big business and societal problems Causes Unfair treatment of labor Working conditions Treatment of farmers Monopolies and big business Corrupt governments- state and local Unequal treatment of minorities and immigrants

3 Who are they? Ida Tarbell- investigated Standard Oil
Charles Russell- investigated Beef industry Lincoln Steffens- investigated political machines Jacob Riis- investigated city living conditions (How the Other Half Lives) Upton Sinclair- meat industry of Chicago (The Jungle) Lewis Hine- pictures to expose dangers of child labor

4 Jacob Riis Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair Lincoln Steffens

5 Goal- get more people involved in government
Robert LaFollet Direct Primary- direct primary elections Initiatives- citizens propose a new law and put on ballot Referendums- citizens reject or approve a new law Recalls- citizens can remove a public official 17th Amendment- direct election of US Senators

6 Robert LaFollet

7 Other Changes Suffrage Movement
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton Lead to 19th amendment- women’s suffrage Social Welfare and Education States pass minimum age, maximum hours and compulsory school attendance laws Health and Safety Triangle Shirtwaist Fire- NYC (100’s of women killed) Workers compensation- pay workers when injured Zoning laws- restrict residential and industrial areas Prohibition Ban sale and consumption of alcohol Lead to the 18th amendment- ban sale and consumption of alcohol

8 Progressive Presidents
Theodore Roosevelt (after McKinley is assassinated) William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Woodrow Wilson

9 Theodore Roosevelt Trustbusting Railroad Legislation
Use Sherman Anti-trust Act to break up trusts Federal government serve as leaders in arbitration (3rd party)- following Coal Strike in 1902 Ex. Govt. sue Northern Securities Company Railroad Legislation Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 Elkins Act of made if illegal for railroad officials to give rebates for using specific railroads Hepburn Act of limit distribution of free railroad passes (form of bribery


11 More Roosevelt Health and Environment
"It is also vandalism wantonly to destroy or to permit the destruction of what is beautiful in nature, whether it be a cliff, a forest, or a species of mammal or bird. Here in the United States we turn our rivers and streams into sewers and dumping-grounds, we pollute the air, we destroy forests, and exterminate fishes, birds and mammals -- not to speak of vulgarizing charming landscapes with hideous advertisements. But at last it looks as if our people were awakening." Health and Environment Meat Inspection Act- cleanliness requirements in meatpacking factories and federal meat inspection Pure Food and Drug Act- halt sale of contaminated food and medicines and call for truth in labeling Conservation- natural resources and parks Newlands Reclamation Act- use funds from sale of federal land to pay for land development Conserve 100 million acres- Yellowstone National Park

12 William Taft Elected in 1908- chosen by Roosevelt Firsts Under Taft
Controversy Payne-Aldrich Tariff- Cut tariffs a little, anger Progressives and make them think Taft is abandoning them Ballinger-Pinchot- Taft replaces Sec. of Interior with Ballinger and limit and reduce conservation Reforms Children’s Bureau Mann-Elkins Act- increase power of Interstate Commerce Commission Firsts Under Taft First president to own a car 16th Amendment- federal income tax First to throw out the first pitch to begin baseball season Arizona became a state, now had 48 states in US First and only president to get stuck in his bathtub; had to get a bigger one installed


14 Woodrow Wilson Wilson elected in 1912 due to split in Republican Party
Teddy Roosevelt unhappy with Taft and will run again under Bull Moose Party- split Republican vote and allow Wilson to win Economic Reforms Federal Reserve Act- banks only keep portion of money, rest kept in regional federal banks (most important piece of legislation in American history) Clayton Anti-Trust Act- stricter controls on Trusts Underwood Tariff- decrease tariff by half Federal Trade Commission (FTC)- monitor American business for unfair practices

15 Federal Reserve System
Advantages Money in federal bank is insured (FDIC) FED regulates banks to make sure they are making sound decisions FED creates a stable currency

16 More Wilson Social Reforms
Keating-Owen Child Labor Act- prohibit hiring of children under 14 (eventually ruled unconstitutional) Adamson Act- 8 hour workday for RR workers Federal Farm Loan Act- long-terms loans at decreased rates

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