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Long-term Ecosystem Observatory

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1 Long-term Ecosystem Observatory
Site Visit 6 October 2005 Agenda Thursday 6 October 2005 Morning Session 10:00 Staff Introductions Opening/Welcoming remarks Dr. Scott Glenn 10:20 Oceanographer of the Navy Initiatives Mr. Bob Winokur 10:45-12:00 Rutgers/LEO Observation Technologies LEO Staff Modeling, Data Assimilation, Data Fusion 12:00-1:00 Working Lunch (COOL) Afternoon Session 1:00-4:30 Rutgers/LEO Exercises & Experiments LEO Staff LEO Lessons-Learned Glider Deployment Lessons-Learned Morning session could include:   Introductions.   Presentation by Bob Winokur on Navy needs.   Rutgers presentations on the tools we use.        New Observation Technologies (satellites, codar, gliders, remus, cable)        Atmospheric models        Ocean Models. This provides the background info on the applications. Lunch in the COOLroom.  We’ll have lunch brought in and set up in our Operations Center.   You’ll be able to see how we control our systems, fuse the data, and provide guidance to our ships at sea. Afternoon Session on Applications.      Here I have envisioned more of an ala carte menu of applications that we can choose from.      The list is provided here for information on the possibilities.  I think we’ll want to make this      A time for more open discussions, but use the different applications to motivate those discussions.      The applications are:              NOPP LEO Coastal Predictive Skill Experiments              NSF LaTTE Hudson River Plume Experiment              ONR SW06 Shallow Water Joint Experiment              ONR CBLAST Nepheloid Layers Experiment              NSF Eddies Sargasso Sea Experiment.              Coast Guard Search And Rescue tests              Counter Narco-Terrorism/DHS Vessel Tracking               Navy MIREM Exercises               Navy SHAREM 150 Exercise in the Sargasso               Navy SHAREM 151 Exercise –     For the SHAREM 151 Exercise, we can show you how the gliders are being controlled from Rutgers,     And Chip Haldeman, the glider technician that was on the Mary Sears for the glider deployments,     Can provide a first hand account of glider operations at Sea.

2 Long-term Ecosystem Observatory
Site Visit 6 October 2005 CNO(N7C): Who we are… CNO DCNO (N6/7) Oceanographer of the Navy (N7C) U.S. Naval Observatory Commander, Naval Meteorology & Oceanography PEO C4I&Space PMW-180 The Oceanographer is a Resource Sponsor for the Naval Oceanography Program, encompassing the following mission areas: Oceanography Meteorology Precise Time & Astrometry Geospatial Information & Services - Operations - R&D - Procurement

3 Long-term Ecosystem Observatory
Site Visit 6 October 2005 CNO(N7C) Site Visit to LEO: Why we’re here… LEO LBSF&I LEO goal is “to develop a real-time capability for rapid environmental assessment and physical/biological forecasting in coastal waters.” LBSF&I… “Transforms the warfighter’s ability to leverage environmental Battlespace Awareness for smart asset / sensor placement and operational effectiveness… end-to-end integration of “in-littoral” sensors into FORCEnet, including cohesive, net-centric information flow to tactical users. ”

4 Long-term Ecosystem Observatory
Site Visit 6 October 2005 Site Visit Objectives Directly observe real-time multi-sensor data collection, assimilation and forecasting techniques/processes from an operational Observatory Learn of challenges associated w/ establishing and operating a regional observatory (e.g., data communications, visualization), integrating into a national (USN  global) observation network Build understanding of LEO’s end-to-end collection-fusion-integration (visualization) for application to refine Navy’s LBSF&I requirements Escape the DC insanity!

5 Long-term Ecosystem Observatory
Site Visit 6 October 2005 LBSF&I Analysis Supporting Improved Environmental Characterization… Significant mine clearance timeline reductions, fewer ship losses More effective & efficient sensor, ship and submarine placement through improved knowledge of the environment Increased personnel survivability LBSF&I Focus Elements Sensor data collection (ships, aircraft, unmanned vehicles, space sensors) Sensor data processing, assimilation and model fusion Service delivery to decisions aids, common operational picture(s)

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