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A Confederation of States

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Presentation on theme: "A Confederation of States"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Confederation of States

2 A Confederation of States
States vs. Federal Articles of Confederation Western Lands Conflicts with Spain and Britain Shays’ Rebellion Economics and the Articles

3 States vs. Federal

4 States vs. Federal

5 States vs. Federal Republic = governments in which the people elect their representatives Democratic = more power to the people, less government control -Pennsylvania, Georgia -unicameral legislature, weak/no governor -equal voting rights for all free men Conservative Republican = people are dumb, more govt control -most states (inc. MA, NY) -bicameral legislature, strong governor --> House of Reps for common people, Senate for wealthy & educated -voting rights for property owners ONLY – poor = dumb

6 Articles of Confederation

7 Articles of Confederation
Strengths: sets a precedent for representative govt, states rights wets a precedent for state confederation creates Congress – precedent for govt branches power to conduct foreign policy – wage war, make peace, treaties power to settle the Western Territory issue coin money – precedent for common currency

8 ? Western Lands 13 American states “Spain”

9 Western Lands

10 Western Lands $350.00

11 Conflicts with Spain and Britain

12 Shays’ Rebellion

13 Economics and the Articles
Federal Congress could not establish a common currency uncontrolled inflation regulate interstate commerce disagreements & disparities levy taxes can’t pay off war debt The States are squabbling with each other, the Union is angry at the States, the people are angry with their state governments, the state governments can’t get help from the Union, creditors are angry at debtors, Congress doesn’t help….

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