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Here is a quick guide to help you complete your project 1

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1 Here is a quick guide to help you complete your project 1

2 How to write an editorial
Start with your position…The Constitution is better for America than the Articles of Confederation BECAUSE… Explain the issue…The Art. Of Confed did not work BECAUSE …. Present some of the opposing views…Some think the Art of Confed worked BECAUSE….. Give your reasons or evidence why you are right…The Constitution is better BECAUSE…. Call for action. Persuade the reader…Americans should vote for the Constitution BECAUSE….

3 Project 2-create an editorial
As you move through Unit 2, you will learn about: the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Your writing project for this unit will consist of writing an editorial regarding these two documents. Your intent in this project is to convince your readers that the Constitution was better for the people than the Articles of Confederation. You will use what you learn in Unit 2 as well as information you research and gather on your own to develop your project.

4 This is a great resource for outlining your editorial!
Step 1: This will be your introduction paragraph. The topic is to convince the reader why The Constitution was better than the AoC. Step 2: Each reason will explain why The Constitution was better than the AoC. Step 3: You will tie your editorial together With a strong conclusion.

CONSTITUTION States are sovereign No independent executive No federal courts-all laws enforced by state courts. No taxing power given to Congress. Congress has no power over interstate or  foreign commerce. Congress consists of one body and each state  has one vote. Amended only by approval of ALL the states. Congress has only specific, delegated powers. Only state governments act directly on the people. People of the whole nation are sovereign--exercise  of sovereignty is divided between states and the  central government. Independent executive chosen by electoral college. Separate federal court system, with power to  resolved disputes between the states. Congress has power to "lay and collect taxes, duties,  imposts, and excises." Congress has power to regulate commerce with other  nations and among the states. Congress consists of two bodies. Number in House is  based on population and each state has two Senators. Amended with approval of 3/4 of states. Congress has implied as well as specific powers. Both central government and state governments acts  directly on the people. Additional resources!

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