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My story on rocks by Rebecca Ferguson

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Presentation on theme: "My story on rocks by Rebecca Ferguson"— Presentation transcript:

1 My story on rocks by Rebecca Ferguson

2 Igneous rocks The 3 mean types of rocks are . Igneous . Sedimentary
. Metamorphic Some of these rocks have porphyritic texture

3 Igneous They are fire rocks Have been formed underground by trapped
cooled magma. Have also been formed above ground when volcanoes erupt and magma cools.

4 lgneous These are rocks that are formed by the cooling and solidification of molten rock (magma) from beneath the earth’s crust. They are normally crystalline lava forms Ingeous rock. Granite and basalt are the main examples.

5 Igneous Granite Scoria Pumice Obsidian

6 metamorphic How are they made- . Rocks that have changed
. they were once ingneous or sedimentary . Pressure and heat changed the rocks

7 Metamorphic . Marble is a metamorphic rock which was once limestone or a sedimentary rock. . Metamorphic rocks are though are resistant to erosion and are often used as building materials eg slate

8 metamorphic Types of rocks Schist Gneiss Slate Marble Dimond

9 Sedimentary Wind and water break down the earth
Bits of earth settle in lakes and rivers layers are fromed and build up Pressure and time turn the layers to rock

10 Sedimentary This is a group of rocks that are formed from sediments
They have accumulated overlong periods of time and usually under water Have a layered structure, and are described as being stratified Often contain fossils Sandstone , limestone, chalk and coal are all examples

11 Sedimentary Sandstone Limestone Gypsum Conglomerate Shale Chalk Coal

12 Message from Mr Manson Some nice information and a few good pictures
But, I would have liked to see a few more pictures to help illustrate the message you were trying to get across in your slides Try to be a little less formal in the future and really make this into a story! A2

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