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Matt Pattison Founder, TEN

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Presentation on theme: "Matt Pattison Founder, TEN"— Presentation transcript:

1 Matt Pattison Founder, TEN Perspective from interviews with three experts on human factors, digital design and hardware design @thrivewearables | @gianthealthevnt | #giant18 #thrivewearables

2 Inspired by Experience
Designing wearables for the real world @gianthealthevnt Matt Pattison Dr Paul Rinne Dr David Pearce Fiona Reid TEN gripAble ViCardio UCL @WeAreTEN2 @gripAble_rehab @ViCardioBP @UCLSoM

3 Who is Matt? What are his healthcare innovation credentials?
Matt Pattison | Founder of TEN | @WeAreTEN2

4 THREE great speakers: gripAble Dr Paul Rinne @gripAble_rehab ViCardio
UCL Dr Paul Rinne Dr David Pearce Fiona Reid @gripAble_rehab @ViCardioBP @UCLSoM

5 Say hello: Connect with somebody new today

6 FOUR questions How does it improve lives?
How can we afford to deliver it? What are the hurdles along the way? What does the world look like with these solutions in it?

7 Wearables in healthcare #ApplyToday #AskTEN
TEN members design the real life Iron Man’s head-up display Wearables in healthcare #ApplyToday #AskTEN

8 A conversation with Miranda Newbery
Human factors Specialist with TEN

9 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

10 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

11 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

12 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

13 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

14 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

15 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

16 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

17 Filter more data Distanced from care Less touch Atul Gawande 10,000 step death Adherence with meaning Contraceptive pill vs. the vitamin Vital sign patches Falls trackers How to visualise meaningful data

18 A conversation with Mark Hester
Product and Hardware design specialist

19 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

20 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

21 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

22 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

23 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

24 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

25 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

26 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

27 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

28 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

29 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

30 Track physical movement
Meaning lies in the digital Invisible or Visible Smart Glasses Horrible tech Apple watch Arrhythmia Sensor horizon Next wave stress & anxiety 10 years ago accelerometers Body Area Network Flying humans Harvesting energy from movement

31 A conversation with Jonny Belding
Digital Design Strategist and UX Specialist

32 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

33 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

34 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

35 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

36 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

37 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

38 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

39 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

40 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

41 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

42 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive

43 Healthcare vs. Wellness
Not widely used Deliver meaning, not just graphs Be relevant £££ Hardware £ Backend Whoop – The subscription bet Concierge Medicine What problems to solve Adoption Barriers Promise-Reality discrepancy Clinicians as aggregator Proactive


45 FOUR questions How does it improve lives?
How can we afford to deliver it? What are the hurdles along the way? What does the world look like with these solutions in it?

46 What are the takeaways of the session?
Conclusions What are the takeaways of the session?

47 Matt Pattison Dr Paul Rinne Dr David Pearce Fiona Reid
Thank You Matt Pattison Dr Paul Rinne Dr David Pearce Fiona Reid TEN gripAble ViCardio UCL @WeAreTEN2 @gripAble_rehab @ViCardioBP @UCLSoM

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