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RosBusinessConsulting Moscow 2006

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1 RosBusinessConsulting Moscow 2006
Marketing research RosBusinessConsulting Moscow 2006 Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

2 Our clients (more than 4000 companies)
Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

3 Opportunities and advantages
13 years of experience on the business information market, a huge amount of accumulated information; - Independent correspondent network; High-quality analytical products (industry surveys, financial analysis) and subscribers; Interactive dialogs with target audience at RBC’s specialized websites, including and others; Partnership with a large number of state institutions and commercial companies; Professional staff of analyst, sociologists and marketing specialists; Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

4 RBC’s marketing research
Industry surveys and company profiles; - Corporate research; Monitoring of business and professional periodicals; - Commissioned research. Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

5 Information sources Primary sources:
independent correspondent network throughout Russia; - exclusive interviews with company heads; expert interviews with market participants; polls of specialists and representatives of manufacturing companies and importers of an analyzed industry, including major market participants; telephone interviews; - questionnaire surveys. Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

6 Information sources Secondary sources:
independent database of RosBusinessConsulting; - industry periodicals and specialized mass media; data of state, ministerial and departmental statistics; - federal and local legislation; - the Internet; analytical research by specialized research companies; - mass media (national and local periodicals); specialized databases. Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

7 Methodology - Desk research;
- In-depth interviews with market participants; - Field research; Commissioned research is research conducted by a specific request using qualitative and quantitative methods. Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

8 Among implemented projects are:
Analyzed markets - Hi-tech and software; - Telecommunications; - Retail; - Finance and insurance; - Industrial markets and equipment; - Services; - Education; Among implemented projects are: - Russia’s telecommunications map; - IP-telephony; - Stationery; - Food retail chains; Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

9 Confidentiality guarantees
We are fully aware of the responsibility our clients lay on us in trusting their information to us. We never break their confidence. We guarantee that : - we shall keep all provided information confidential, all materials on the project will have a restricted access. Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

10 Contacts RosBusinessConsulting Tel.: +7 (495) 363-11-11 (ext. 2258) or
Все права защищены © РосБизнесКонсалтинг, / 10 стр.

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