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Professional Portfolio

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1 Professional Portfolio
School Year

2 Standard 1: Professional Knowledge
Teacher consistently demonstrates extensive content and pedagogical knowledge, regularity enriches the curriculum, and guides others in enriching the curriculum.

3 Standard 2: Instructional Planning
The teacher actively seeks and uses alternative data and resources, and regularity differentiates plans and modifies instruction to meet the needs of all students.

4 Standard 3: Instructional Delivery
The teacher optimizes students' opportunities to learn by engaging them in higher-order thinking and/or enhances performance skills.


6 Standard 4: Assessment For and Of Learning
The teacher regularly selects/develops and uses valid formative and summaries assessment strategies, and teaches students how to monitor their own academic progress.

7 Standard 5: Learning Environment
The teacher creates a dynamic environment where learning is maximized, disruptions are minimized, and students are regularity self directed in their learning.

8 Standard 6: Professionalism
Teacher Demonstrates behavior consistent with legal, ethical, and professional standards, contributes to the profession, and engages in professional growth that results in improved student learning.

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