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Hungarian Bike-industrial

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Presentation on theme: "Hungarian Bike-industrial"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hungarian Bike-industrial
MKKSZ Status October 2013 Hungarian Bike-industrial and Trade Association Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 1.

2 MKKSZ Economic situation in the member countries (report by the members) A-Force: bicycle promotion activities in the member countries WEEE Directive (Waste Electric & Electronic Equipment) Members will be invited to briefly report on the national interpretation of the European legislation, especially what concerns EPACs Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 2.

3 Economic situation in Hungary
MKKSZ Public debt is up by 10% vs (81,4% od GDP) Inflation1,8% Industrial performance is down by -0,8% vs. 2012 Employment is up by 5% vs. 2010 Average wages: direct → 345 €; indirect → 660 € Elections in 2014 Turism is up by 2,9% Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 3.

4 Bicycle promotion activities
Go by bike to work MKKSZ 23 Sept – 25.Oct 2009 spring 646, 1.700, 2.053 8000 In suit, in skirt, with kid, also in rain The most bicycle friendly company Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 4.

5 Bicycle promotion activities
Bike breakfast MKKSZ Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 5.

6 Bicycle promotion activities
Bike breakfast MKKSZ Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 6.

7 Bicycle promotion activities
My bike sory MKKSZ Where did you hear about the Go by bike to How was the first time you cycled to work? What was the reaction of your colleagues?  How did you commute before bike? Did you influence others to go by bike? Did you use bike before you joined the campaign? Did the bike change your life? Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 7.

8 Bicycle promotion activities
Go by bike to work MKKSZ Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 8.

9 Bicycle promotion activities
WEEE, EPAC,… MKKSZ WEEE: Government Decree 264/2004 (IX.23) and the Law CLXXXV. regulate the collection and disposal of electrical and electronic waste EPAC: Total chaos, the EU regulations are known, but no enforcement, any type, any operation Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 9.

10 MKKSZ Thank you for the attention 29.05.2013.
Colibi –Coliped meeting, Brussels 10.

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