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Get More Than CRUD From Your ORM

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1 Get More Than CRUD From Your ORM
Ken Schlobohm |

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3 Ken Schlobohm I'm Ken Schlobohm and I'm an architect with Oakwood and I enjoy building software as a hobby because I enjoy puzzles, specifically puzzle games like Chess and Rubik’s Cubes, and applying code to solve problems. I’m here today because I’m passionate about software. I enjoy learning, and getting involved with the community. I’m here to meet you all and share some cool things I’ve found lately so feel free to swing by and talk to me afterward, I’d enjoy the opportunity to chat about software. Let’s dive into today’s presentation, if you’ll stick with me I have just one more slide for us today and then we’ll head on over to Visual Studio

4 Agenda Entity Framework Power Tools Command Interception
Connection Resiliency No-Tracking Raw Queries Agenda Today we’ll be covering several features of Entity Framework. I decided to describe this course as an advanced topic because today I’m going to skip the introduction of what Entity Framework is and dive into some of it’s cool features that aren’t commonly discussed. I’ll start off with Entity Framework Power tools and I decided to start here, well heh, because it makes sense in the flow of the presentation :D but mostly because these tools really make getting going with code first entity framework WAY easier and I enjoy the explicit and clean code format of code first. Along the way, I’ll be setting up some new controllers so I’ll also drift thru MVC scaffolding features that enable rapid development Then we’ll take a look at a very powerful feature named Command Interception. Command interception is really simple to get started with and at the same time very powerful because of the abilities it gives you. Today I’ll be showing you code you can drop into any project running Entity Framework, that allows you to keep track of the number of queries made in a single page request and I’ll also be showing a class that logs a warning whenever a query is running too slowly. After Command Interception we’ll take a look at Connection Resiliency, which is another way to say we’ll add transient fault handling into the application in just a few lines of code. Transient Fault handling is an important part of robust application development, especially when integrating with SQL Azure. After that we’ll go into the lightning round and take a look at No-Tracking queries. In this section I’ll show how change tracking, a very useful feature of Entity Framework, can be a pretty big performance hit in some cases. Lastly, we’ll wrap up by taking a look at executing Raw SQL queries through Entity Framework and I’ll show why you might want to do that in certain scenarios. OKAY, a lot to cover, so lets flip over to the code!

5 Thank You

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