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i2i Stakeholder Survey 2017 Results

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Presentation on theme: "i2i Stakeholder Survey 2017 Results"— Presentation transcript:

1 i2i Stakeholder Survey 2017 Results

2 Stakeholder Survey 2017: Which workstream are you involved with?
113 invites 43 responses 38% response rate

3 Stakeholder Survey 2017: Are you clear on the aims of your workstream?
Majority of members very clear or clear on Workstream aims

4 How to affect step change here?
Stakeholder Survey 2017: How would you rate the progress of your workstream over the last 12 months? Workstream progress rated good or neither good nor poor by most Workstream members How to affect step change here?

5 Stakeholder Survey 2017: How helpful do you find I2I’s methods of engagement?
Conference calls useful Need to improve usefulness of website and newsletter Face to face meetings and convenings very useful

6 Stakeholder Survey 2017: Are there other priorities your workstream should be focussing on?
Key responses from stakeholders: Product development issues, other than just WHO approval National and regional engagements, including assisting countries in chemical registration process Understanding WHO PQ's possible requirements for large scale field trials, i.e. is GCP required? Move key procurers to value-based procurement (e.g., procuring based on demonstrated cost-effectiveness). Set-up an ERP for vector control tools (as we have for drugs)

7 Stakeholder Survey 2017: Outside of your workstream, are there other priorities I2I should be focussing on? Key responses from stakeholders: Collaborative regional/national registration and regulation More support in getting ‘next-generation’ products to market Don’t lose focus of creating a more efficient product evaluation system Working with stakeholders to create an operational process for resistance management and market shaping

8 Stakeholder Survey 2017: How can I2I improve its methods of engagement and communication?
Key responses from stakeholders: Ensure updates are shared between workstreams Begin full engagement of national/regional stakeholders in the Country-Level Impact Workstream Engage with African organisations such as PAMCA to disseminate key messages from I2I Celebrate key achievements

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