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Computational Processes

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1 Computational Processes
Mathematics for Computer Science MIT 6.042J/18.062J Computational Processes Copyright © Albert Meyer, 2002. Prof. Albert Meyer & Dr. Radhika Nagpal

2 Die Hard Picture source:

3 Die Hard Supplies: 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug Water

4 Die Hard Transferring water: 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

5 Die Hard Transferring water: 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

6 Psychopath’s challenge: Disarm bomb by putting 4 gallons
Die Hard Psychopath’s challenge: Disarm bomb by putting 4 gallons of water on top, or it will blow up. Question: How to do it?

7 Die Hard Work it out now!

8 How to do it Start with empty jugs: (0,0) 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

9 How to do it Fill the big jug: (0,5) 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

10 Pour from big to little:
How to do it Pour from big to little: (3,2) 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

11 How to do it Empty the little: (0,2) 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

12 Pour from big to little:
How to do it Pour from big to little: (2,0) 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

13 How to do it Fill the big jug: (2,5) 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug

14 Done!! Pour from big to little: How to do it (3,4) 3 Gallon Jug

15 Die Hard once and for all
What if you have a 9 gallon jug instead? 3 Gallon Jug 5 Gallon Jug 9 Gallon Jug

16 Die Hard once and for all
What if you have a 9 gallon jug instead? 3 Gallon Jug 9 Gallon Jug Can you do it? Can you prove it?

17 Die Hard Work it out now!

18 State machine: Step by step procedure, possibly responding to input.

19 The state graph of a 99-bounded counter:
State machines The state graph of a 99-bounded counter: start state overflow 1 2 99

20 States: {0,1,…,99, overflow} State machines
The state graph of a 99-bounded counter: start state 1 2 99 overflow States: {0,1,…,99, overflow}

21 States: {0,1,…,99, overflow} Transitions: State machines
The state graph of a 99-bounded counter: start state 1 2 99 overflow States: {0,1,…,99, overflow} Transitions: 0  i < 99 i i+1 99 overflow

22 States: {0,1,…,99, overflow} Transitions: State machines
The state graph of a 99-bounded counter: start state 1 2 99 overflow States: {0,1,…,99, overflow} Transitions: overflow overflow

23 Die hard state machine State machines
State = amount of water in the jug: (b,l) where 0  b  3 and 0  l  5. Start state = (0,0)

24 State machines Die Hard Transitions: Fill the little jug: Fill the big jug: Empty the little jug: Empty the big jug:

25 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: If no overflow, then
State machines 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: If no overflow, then

26 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: If no overflow, then b + l  5
State machines 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: If no overflow, then b + l  5

27 (b,l)  5. Pour from little jug into big jug: (for l >0)
State machines 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: (for l >0) If no overflow, then …, (b,l)  otherwise.

28 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: (for l >0)
State machines 5. Pour from little jug into big jug: (for l >0) 6. Pour from big jug into little jug. Likewise.

29 Invariant: State Invariants Die hard once and for all
P(state) = 3 divides number of gallons in each jug.

30 Invariant: State Invariants Die hard once and for all
P(state) = 3 divides number of gallons in each jug.

31 State Invariants Proof method (just like induction): Show base case: P(start). Invariant case: if P(q) and , then P(r). Conclusion: P holds for all reachable states, including final state (if any). q r

32 The Robot The robot is on a grid. y 2 1 x

33 The robot can move diagonally. y
2 1 x

34 Can it reach from (0,0) to (1,0)? y
The Robot Can it reach from (0,0) to (1,0)? y ? 2 1 GOAL x

35 Robot Invariant NO! P((x,y)) ::= x+y is even

36 Robot Invariant NO! P((x,y)) ::= x+y is even P((0,0)) is true.

37 NO! P((x,y)) ::= x+y is even P((0,0)) is true. Transition adds ±1 to
Robot Invariant NO! P((x,y)) ::= x+y is even P((0,0)) is true. Transition adds ±1 to both x and y

38 So all positions (x,y) reachable by robot
Robot Invariant So all positions (x,y) reachable by robot have x + y even, but = 1 is odd. Therefore (1,0) is not reachable.

39 GCD correctness Computing GCD(a,b) using the Euclidean Algorithm: Let x=a, y=b. If y=0, return x & terminate. Else set (x:=y, y:=x mod y) simultaneously; Repeat process.

40 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662)

41 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 (mod 662) = 414

42 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 mod 662 = 414 = GCD(414,248) since 662 mod 414 = 248

43 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 mod 662 = 414 = GCD(414,248) since 662 mod 414 = 248 = GCD(248,166) since 414 mod 248 = 166

44 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 mod 662 = 414 = GCD(414,248) since 662 mod 414 = 248 = GCD(248,166) since 414 mod 248 = 166 = GCD(166,82) since 248 mod 166 = 82

45 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 mod 662 = 414 = GCD(414,248) since 662 mod 414 = 248 = GCD(248,166) since 414 mod 248 = 166 = GCD(166,82) since 248 mod 166 = 82 = GCD(82,2) since 166 mod 82 = 2

46 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 mod 662 = 414 = GCD(414,248) since 662 mod 414 = 248 = GCD(248,166) since 414 mod 248 = 166 = GCD(166,82) since 248 mod 166 = 82 = GCD(82,2) since 166 mod 82 = 2 = GCD(2,0) since 82 mod 2 = 0

47 GCD correctness Example: GCD(414,662) = GCD(662,414) since 414 mod 662 = 414 = GCD(414,248) since 662 mod 414 = 248 = GCD(248,166) since 414 mod 248 = 166 = GCD(166,82) since 248 mod 166 = 82 = GCD(82,2) since 166 mod 82 = 2 = GCD(2,0) since 82 mod 2 = 0 Return 2.

48 P((x,y)) ::= [gcd(a,b) = gcd(x,y)].
GCD correctness The Invariant is P((x,y)) ::= [gcd(a,b) = gcd(x,y)].

49 P((x,y)) ::= [gcd(a,b) = gcd(x,y)].
GCD correctness The Invariant is P((x,y)) ::= [gcd(a,b) = gcd(x,y)]. P(start start): at start x = a , y =b.

50 Transitions: (x,y)  (y, rem(x,y))
GCD correctness Transitions: (x,y)  (y, rem(x,y))

51 Transitions: (x,y)  (y, rem(x,y))
GCD correctness Transitions: (x,y)  (y, rem(x,y)) Invariant holds by Lemma: gcd(x,y) = gcd(y,rem(x,y)), for y  0.

52 Conclusion: on termination
GCD correctness Conclusion: on termination x equals gcd(a,b).

53 Conclusion: on termination
GCD correctness Conclusion: on termination x equals gcd(a,b). Because terminate when y = 0, so x = gcd(x,0) = gcd(x,y) = gcd(a,b).

54 Class Problems

55 Robert Floyd Picture source:

56 A derived variable v is simply a function
Derived variables A derived variable v is simply a function that associate value with state. Die Hard Example: total amount of water in the two jugs

57 For GCD, already have varables
Derived variables For GCD, already have varables x, y.

58 Proof of GCD termination:
Derived variables Proof of GCD termination: Show that variable y is strictly decreasing and natural number valued.

59 Termination follows by least number principle:
Derived variables Termination follows by least number principle: y must take a least value, and thus the algorithm is stuck.

60 Strictly Decreasing Variable
16 12 8 4 State

61 Weakly Decreasing Variable
16 12 8 4 State

62 Weakly Decreasing Variable
We used to call weakly decreasing variables “nonincreasing” variables. OK terminology but remember: nondecreasing is NOT EQUAL to “not decreasing.”

63 There are 5 boys and 5 girls
Stable Marriage There are 5 boys and 5 girls A B D E

64 Preferences: Boys Girls 1: CBEAD A: 35214 2 : ABECD B : 52143
Stable marriage Preferences: Boys Girls 1: CBEAD A: 35214 2 : ABECD B : 52143 3 : DCBAE C : 43512 4 : ACDBE D : 12345 5 : ABDEC E : 23415

65 Stable marriage Boys 1: CBEAD 2 : ABECD 3 : DCBAE 4 : ACDBE 5 : ABDEC

66 Boys 1: CBEAD 2 : ABECD 3 : DCBAE 4 : ACDBE 5 : ABDEC Marry 1 with C:
Stable marriage Boys 1: CBEAD 2 : ABECD 3 : DCBAE 4 : ACDBE 5 : ABDEC Marry 1 with C: C 1

67 Only 4 boys and 4 girls left. Boys 2 : ABED 3 : DBAE 4 : ADBE 5 : ABDE
Stable marriage Only 4 boys and 4 girls left. Boys 2 : ABED 3 : DBAE 4 : ADBE 5 : ABDE A B D E

68 A problem: Rogue couples
Stable marriage A problem: Rogue couples 1 C 4 B Girl C likes like boy 4 better Boy 4 like girl C better

69 The mating algorithm – day by day
Stable marriage The mating algorithm – day by day

70 The mating algorithm – day by day
Stable marriage The mating algorithm – day by day Morning: boys serenade favorite girls

71 The mating algorithm – day by day
Stable marriage The mating algorithm – day by day Morning: boys serenade favorite girls Afternoon: girl rejects all but best Serenader

72 The mating algorithm – day by day
Stable marriage The mating algorithm – day by day Morning: boys serenade favorite girls Afternoon: girl rejects all but best Serenader Evening: rejected boys cross off girls

73 Termination condition: stop when no rejection is possible.
Stable marriage Termination condition: stop when no rejection is possible. The algorithm terminates. Everybody ends up married. The resulting marriages are stable.

74 Infinitely Wide Trees

75 Infinitely Wide Trees

76 Infinitely Wide Trees

77 Infinitely Wide Trees

78 Tutorial Problem 1

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