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2 Artemis

3 Artemis potnia thêrôn

4 Mytheme 1 (Aktaion) Hunter crosses into woodland space sacred to Artemis. Hunter pursues and rapes nympha. Artemis transforms hunter into animal (stag). Hunting dogs attack and kill hunter.

5 Mytheme 2 (Kallisto) Nympha is raped. Nympha conceals pregnancy until detected. Artemis turns nympha into a bear. Nympha as bear gives birth to human boy. Boy grows up to be hunter. Hunter pursues and unknowingly kills bear.

6 Hunting / Marriage HUNT MARRIAGE SIGN pursuit courtship capture
contractual arrangement kill marriage/rape blood animal kill animal sacrifice human sacrifice menarche sexual initiation childbirth

7 Male Rites of Passage Amphidromia birth inclusion in family (oikos)
Apatouria 14-16 years inclusion in phratry ephebeia 16-18 years inclusion in deme and polis

8 Female Rites of Passage
ROLE DEITY 7 arrhephoros (“dew-carrier”) Athena Polios 10 aletris (“grinder”) Athena 10-14 arktos (“bear”) Artemis Brauronia 14 kanephoros (“basket-carrier”)



11 successful childbirth Artemis death in childbirth Iphigenia

12 Arkteia • girls aged 10+ • festival every four years • “playing the bear” • cultic nudity • dance to double flute • baskets of figs • dedication of toys • dedication of skin/robe • joint worship of Iphigenia

13 korê nympha gynê parthenos • liminal, contested status of temple sites • wilderness/animal city/human

14 Rites of Passage ARTEMIS APHRODITE HERA virginity sexual activity
marriage, childbirth girl korê/nympha woman gynê

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