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Workshop Objectives Components of an FBA specific to ASD Students

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop Objectives Components of an FBA specific to ASD Students"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop Objectives Components of an FBA specific to ASD Students
Using a Team Approach How & Why complete a Motivational Scale Your role in the implementation of the Behavior Support Plan – para – teacher - parent

2 FBA Components 1. FBA Interview (parents and staff)
2. Student Interview (student) 3. Observation (at least 2) 4. Motivation for Behavior 5. Language and Communication Survey

3 FBA Interview Use with parents
Use with professional staff who knows the student.

4 FBA Interview 8 Components Description of Behavior Ecological Events
Antecedents Outcomes of the behavior

5 FBA Interview Efficiency of the behavior Functional Alternatives
Communication Supporting the Student

6 Ecological Events How the following may affect behavior Meds?
Physical Conditions? Sleep patterns? Eating routines? Typical Day – looking for consistency

7 Ecological Events Choices about activities and reinforcers
How many people interact (how many people need to understand him?) This is why parents are a good source Find out the answers to these questions May take some digging.

8 Antecedents Most likely to occur after?? When least likely to occur
Times, Settings, People, Activity, What situations that may set off behavior

9 Antecedents How is person’s behavior affected by:
Difficult tasks (look for frustration levels) Interruption (need to finish?) Change routine (need for sameness) Unable to get something he wants? Lake of attention

10 Communication Behavior is a communication.
Examines what strategies does the person already use physically, verbally, facial expressions and in a motor way?

11 Communication How does he respond to gestural communication?
Imitation skills with physical models Communication of Refusal?

12 MOTIVATIONAL SCALES You will likely be asked to complete a Motivational Scale. No need for you to score – just answer. Read it carefully Let’s practice!!!!

13 Language and Communication Survey
Use with parents and teachers Do interview format to get most information Looks at connection between behavior as communication How does this child get his/her point across Can be positive or negative – as long as it works.

14 Implementation of Behavior Plan
Review the Plan with special education teacher. Be clear on your role Be clear on reward systems, reporting, data keeping, and crisis management. Keep a copy with you at all time. Review the BS Plan with special ed teachers monthly or sooner if it is not working.

15 Summary Be familiar the behavior interview so that your answers are helpful. Know how to respond to a Motivational Scale. Be familiar with the resulting Behavior Support Plan – you will be implementing it!

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