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Organic farming statistics

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1 Organic farming statistics
Food safety statistics - Eurostat / F5 Elisabeth ROHNER-THIELEN Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

2 Contents Introduction Data transmission up to now Data availability
Legal framework Future data transmission TAPAS actions Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

3 Introduction Organic farming : agricultural sector with special attention Part of a sustainable farming system Growing consumer awareness of food safety  Objective of data collection: to provide reliable data on different aspects of organic farming and to draw up a clear picture of this sector within the European Union Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

4 Data transmission up to now
 Questionnaire agreed with Member States : Form D: Number of registered organic operators Form E: Organic area and production Form F: Organic livestock and livestock products Form G: Industrial production : Number of processors and importers by type of economic activity (NACE)  Transmission to Eurostat via DG Agri Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

5 Data availability  Data 2004: provided by all EU-25 countries, except Estonia, and Norway  Data 2005: provided by all EU-25 countries, except Poland, and Norway  Data 2006: provided by all EU-27 countries, except Luxembourg,Poland and Portugal, and Norway Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

6 Legal framework (1)  New regulation on organic production and labelling: 834/2007 has been adopted 28 June 2007 and shall apply as from 1st January 2009 replacing Regulation 2092/91 contains an Article on ‘statistical information’ Article 36: « Member States shall transmit to the Commission the statistical information necessary for the implementation and follow-up of this Regulation. This statistical information shall be defined within the context of the Community Statistical Programme » Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

7 Legal framework (2)  Implementing regulation (under discussion), including an Article on the transmission of statistical data to the Commission (Eurostat) : Article 95 (as part of Title V, Chapter 1: Transmission of information to the Commission) Basic requirements for the data transmission: - Timing - Subjects - Mode of transmission Provisions related to the characteristics of the statistical data and metadata shall be defined within the context of the Community Statistical Programme. Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

8 Future data transmission
 Proposal of a revised questionnaire to consolidate and to improve the quality of the data submitted to include other products/areas covered by the new Regulation  Data transmission directly to Eurostat using eDAMIS (Single Entry Point) Remark: The revised questionnaire has been sent for comments to the members of the Working Group « Food safety statistics » and the Task Force on « products with distinctive marks » (ESTAT) as well as to the « Standing Committee on Organic Farming » (DG AGRI). It should be applied (once agreed by the Member States) from 2009 onwards (data for reference year 2008). Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

9 TAPAS actions  Ongoing TAPAS actions: DK, EE, IT, LV, LT, HU, SK
 Results will be partially available mid 2008  Possibility of special Task Force to examine the results Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

10 Thank you for your kind attention
Working Party "Agriculture and environment" of the Standing Committee for Agricultural Statistics, June 2008

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