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IEEE IMT-Advanced Review Process

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1 IEEE 802.18 IMT-Advanced Review Process
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 September 2008 IEEE IMT-Advanced Review Process Date: Authors: John Notor, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. John Doe, Some Company

2 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 September 2008 Background The IMT-Advanced (IMT-Adv) process in ITU-R has advanced to the point where: The technical requirements (IMT.TECH) are complete and approved by WP5D. The evaluation requirements (IMT.EVAL) are substantially complete, and in the process of final revision, with approval expected at the October 2008 WP5D meeting in Seoul. The Circular Letter is being finalized. Final approval of IMT-Adv documents expected at the November SG5 meeting. Interested IEEE 802 WG’s now need to consider how to respond to IMT-Advanced. Submit a Radio Interface Technology proposal (RIT) as a single WG. Submit a Set of Radio Interface Technologies (SRIT) jointly with one or more other WG’s. John Notor, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. John Doe, Some Company

3 IMT-ADV Schedule September 2008
John Notor, Cadence Design Systems, Inc.

4 IEEE 802 Approval Process for IMT-Advanced Technology Proposals
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 September 2008 IEEE 802 Approval Process for IMT-Advanced Technology Proposals A single Working Group (WG), or a joint WG collaboration, creates and approves a draft RIT proposal, or a draft SRIT proposal, conforming to IMT-Advanced requirements. The proposal is then sent to , which reviews the proposal for completeness (see slide 5) per the most recent IMT-Advanced submission requirements available at the time of submission by the WG(s). After review, will determine by vote, requiring 75% approval, whether the proposal is considered complete per IMT-Advanced requirements, and either submit the approved proposal to the EC for final approval, or return the proposal to the WG for update. After EC review and approval, the IEEE SA ITU-R liaison will submit the proposal to the ITU-R with appropriate cover letter. Proposals returned to IEEE by the ITU-R as “incomplete” will be sent back to the WG(s) by the IEEE SA ITU-R liaison for correction, and the corrected proposal will be re-submitted to ITU-R per the process outlined above. Slide 4 John Notor, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Page 4 John Doe, Some Company

5 ITU-R Definition of Completeness for IMT-Advanced Technology Proposals
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 September 2008 ITU-R Definition of Completeness for IMT-Advanced Technology Proposals A “complete proposal”, as summarized from materials in the current version of IMT.REST, includes the following: Completed templates and other requested information. Either a self-evaluation, or the endorsement of an initial evaluation submitted by another entity, per IMT-Advanced requirements for self-evaluation. Where necessary, a statement of compliance with the ITU policy on intellectual property rights (see Annex 1 of Resolution ITU-R 1-5), as specified in the Common Patent Policy for ITUT/ITU-R/ISO/IEC available at The definition of “complete” is subject to change by ITU-R. The most current versions of the requirements, evaluation criteria, and submission templates for the development of IMT‑Advanced are on the IMT-Advanced web page ( Slide 5 John Notor, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Page 5 John Doe, Some Company

6 Critical Milestones September 2008
Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 September 2008 Critical Milestones Last date for WG’s to submit technology proposals (final WG approved drafts) to for review: June 12, 2009. Last date for approval of proposals for submission to the EC: July 16, 2009. Last date for EC approval of technology proposals: July 17, 2009. Last date WP5D will accept technology proposals: October 2009 (exact date is TBD). Slide 6 John Notor, Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Page 6 John Doe, Some Company

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