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Parent Meeting January 20, 2015 Matt Hardman and Balisha Johnson

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1 Parent Meeting January 20, 2015 Matt Hardman and Balisha Johnson


3 milestone (noun) 1. A stone by the side of a road that
shows the distance in miles to a specified place. 2. An important point in the progress or development of something: a very important event.

4 Georgia Milestones Grades 3 – 8 High School
End of Grade (EOG) in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies High School End of Course (EOC) in 9th Grade Literature & Composition, American Literature & Composition, Coordinate Algebra, Analytic Geometry, Physical Science, Biology, US History, and Economics


6 Selected Response- These items require the student to select a multiple choice answer. Constructed Response ELA and Mathematics - These items require the student to generate a response as opposed to selecting a response.

7 Extended-Response ELA - These items require more elaborate answers and explanations of reasoning. Writing prompts and performance tasks are examples of extended-response items.

8 ELA Test Parameters: 40 Selected Response 2 Constructed Responses
1 Constructed Response — Narrative Writing 1 Extended Response – Close reading of two cold reads and writing Informative/ explanatory or opinion/argumentative with text evidence

9 Math Test Parameters: 50 Selected Response (Multiple Choice)
3 Constructed Responses (1 will be weighted more heavily)

10 Time frame






16 Who are the characters in the story? DOK level 2
Who are the characters in the story? DOK level 2 How can you compare the characters in the story? DOK Level 3  What is your interpretation of this text? Support your rationale. What facts would you select to support____? DOK Level 4 DOK 4 would most likely be the writing of a research paper or applying information from one text to another text to develop a persuasive/ argument.

17 Example of Constructed Response:
Read this article titled "Snug in the Snow." Then answer the question below. Explain what could be added to help a reader better understand this article. In your response, use information from the article that supports your explanation.


19 Example of Extended Response




23 Website
Assessment/ Assessment/ Pages/Georgia-Milestones-Test-Blueprints.aspx 4. 5. 6.


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