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Revised and edited by Tracy Sikes Mount Bethel Elementary

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1 Revised and edited by Tracy Sikes Mount Bethel Elementary
The Water Cycle Revised and edited by Tracy Sikes Mount Bethel Elementary

2 The Water Cycle

3 Sunshine The sun will shine on water located in various areas making it warmer. This causes the water to eventually turn into vapor. This vapor becomes a cloud.

4 Evaporation Evaporation occurs when the sun heats water turning it into water vapor. This vapor leaves its source and becomes part of a cloud.

5 Condensation As evaporation occurs, the water vapor becomes clouds.
The water vapor attaches itself to dust particles and/or ice particles in the atmosphere.

6 Precipitation As condensation occurs, the water vapor becomes clouds.
When clouds become heavy with water vapor, it is at this point that precipitation may happen. Precipitation takes several forms including rain, snow, sleet, and hail.

7 Rain . These clouds get so full of water that water droplets (rain) starts to fall. It falls onto the ground and into lakes, rivers,and streams.

8 Snow When the air is really cold, it might snow rather than rain. It will remain on top of the ground until it melts. It will then turn into water and run into streams and rivers.

9 Mountains and Ice The snow that falls onto mountains may turn into ice because of the cold temperatures. This ice and snow may form glaciers.

10 Rivers and Streams Rivers and streams carry water to reservoirs, lakes and finally to the ocean. Many carry the water thousands of miles.

11 Accumulation Water accumulates in many places. A puddle A fountain
A lake A reservoir And finally the ocean.

12 Oceans Oceans cover about ¾ of the surface of the Earth. When the fresh water gets to the ocean it mixes and becomes salty. The sun shines on the oceans and warms the water. The water becomes vapor once again. The cycle continues.

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