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What Does Your Future Look Like?

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Presentation on theme: "What Does Your Future Look Like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Does Your Future Look Like?
Sarah Barnes, Sr. Career Consultant New Horizons

2 What is the first step? Determine what you are passionate about. What would make you excited to get out of bed every morning to go to work? Life is too short to put in time doing something you hate just for the money!

3 Build on the skills you already have
Don’t reinvent the wheel. You don’t want to start in the basement. You may have to start at a lower level, but make sure you can climb the ladder quickly.

4 Validate your skills Most careers require one or more of the following: College Degree Experience 57% of open jobs in Texas require more than a HS diploma but lower than a college degree. Nearly every industry requires some kind of certifications, and that will set you apart from other candidates. Give yourself that edge!

5 Take a look at the job market.
The fastest growing industries are IT and Healthcare. If you want to do either of these, you will need to have some type of training. Be ready to work toward that goal. Anything worthwhile is worth working for.

6 PLAN FOR SUCCESS Look at job descriptions for the positions you are interested in. What are the requirements? Do you meet more than half of them? What would it take for you to meet most of them? Is it realistic to apply for that job? Would you enjoy doing the work? Research specific companies and determine if you would fit into their culture. Search their site. Read articles about them online. Connect with their employees on LinkedIn—especially the hiring managers and HR personnel. This research will pay off during an interview!

7 Be Realistic If your experience isn’t in IT and your goal is to be a Cybersecurity Analyst, you may need additional training and possibly start at a lower level to start. As you gain experience, you should be able to climb the ladder with ease!

8 Network, Network, Network!
It’s not always WHAT you know, but WHO you know. Network, Network, Network! If you have the basic skills and knowledge, you can build on them on the job if someone believes in you and gives you the opportunity to shine.

9 Tools to Connect with Employers
Connect with recruiters on LinkedIn. Recruiters use LinkedIn 95% of the time to search for candidates for their clients. Make sure you have all the right key words from the job description in your profile (multiple times) so you will pop up in the top 10 candidates.

10 What Recruiters want to know
WHAT you’ve done that addresses this job’s requirements—this is something that they laser focus on within the first 5 seconds, so be prepared. WHEN you did it. Is your experience fresh? WHERE you did it. DEPTH of KNOWLEDGE…were you exposed to it or were you responsible for it?

11 How do Companies find employees?
Referrals from their employees Placement Agency LinkedIn searches Job Boards (last resort)

12 How do People find jobs? Networking with friends and family 35%
Reaching out to companies 30% Job Boards and applying online 14% Recruiters and/or agencies 11% Other %

13 What New Horizons offers
New Horizons is one of the World’s largest Technical Education Provider to gain industry standard certifications. We train students in IT, Healthcare Information Management and Business Skills leading to certifications. We have Career Services available to all students. ▪ Help writing a resume ▪ Interviewing Skills workshops ▪ Perfecting your LinkedIn account to gain attention from hiring managers ▪ Job Placement Assistance

New Horizons Offers FREE PROFESSIONAL READINESS WORKSHOPS INCLUDE ◊ Keys to Career Advancement ◊ Leveraging LinkedIn ◊ Resumes that Rock ◊ Acing the Interview ◊ Effective Job Search Strategy

15 Programs Offered Demand Occupation skills
Entry Level Skills training—Solid foundation to build on 10 – 12 weeks in length 4.5 hours per day 4 days a week

16 Training Programs Delivered in an Online Live format with a Certified Instructor in REAL-TIME. (Can be taken remotely in certain circumstances) Courses are recorded and you have access to content and labs for 6 months for reinforcement Completion rate is 92% Certification Pass rate overall is 75% Job Placement rate is 65-87%

17 Business Administration Associate
ASSOCIATED JOB TITLES • Administrative Assistant • Administrative Coordinator • Administrative Specialist • Administrator • Business Administrator • Office Assistant • Office Clerk Subjects covered: Microsoft Office, Business Skills, Accounting Essentials

18 Security IT Associate ASSOCIATED JOB TITLES
• Computer Support Specialist • Computer Network Specialist • Computer Network Support Specialists • Help Desk Technician • IT Consultant (Information Technology Consultant) • Network Specialist • Network Support Specialist • Network Technician Subjects covered: CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Security+

19 Medical Office Associate
ASSOCIATED JOB TITLES • Health Information Clerk • Medical Office Administrator • Medical Records Clerk • Medical Records Coordinator • Medical Records Technician (Medical Records Tech) • Medical Secretary Subjects covered: Medical Front Office, Billing and Coding Essentials, Human Anatomy, Physiology and Terminology, Electronic Health Records

20 Enrollment Requirements
High School Diploma, Home School Cert or GED Get at least a 17 on a Wonderlic exam Be committed to attend classes and learn No computer experience is required!

21 Funding Sources WIOA TAA Post 9/11 VA Vocational Rehabilitation
State Vocational Rehabilitation Self-Pay *Internal Grants available upon approval

22 It’s never too soon to make a plan
What is YOUR Plan? It’s never too soon to make a plan

23 Thank you for your time. I wish you all the best for your future career. Please contact me if you have any questions on how to accomplish your goals. Sarah Barnes, Sr. Career Consultant New Horizons Career Development Department x 1106

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