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Bell ringer: Get out final exam study guide Work on/Look over.

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1 Bell ringer: Get out final exam study guide Work on/Look over


3 Study Guide Review Citizens Civics Athens, Greece / 2500 years ago
Government A government controlled by one person or a small group of people Democracy A form of democracy in which the people vote firsthand Representative democracy (indirect) National government (federal)

4 Study Guide Review 10. Majority rule 11. Patriotism 12. By birth and by naturalization 13. democracy: U.S. Dictatorship: Cuba 14. Illegal: Hold jobs, own property, attend public schools, etc. Legal: vote, run for office, serve on a jury 15. deport

5 Study Guide Review 16. monarch 17. Magna Carta 18. A group of people that makes laws 19. Parliament 20. Jamestown 21. House of Burgesses 22. Boycott 23. Repeal 24. Articles of Confederation 25. legislature, executive, judicial

6 Study Guide Review 26. A group of colonists dressed as Native Americans dumped 342 chests of British Tea into the Boston Harbor to protest taxes on the colonists. 27. The Stamp Act required that an expensive stamp be attached to all legal paper items (It taxed official documents/paper items) 28. Thomas Jefferson 29. Colony 30. Common Sense was a pamphlet by Thomas Paine that urged colonists to break away from Britain.

7 Study Guide Review 31. John Locke was a philosopher responsible for the idea of the social contract. Government agrees to take care of the people’s rights and protect them if the people follow laws. If the government fails on it’s end, then the people should change the government. 32. The articles of confederation did not give the government the ability to tax or enforce any of its laws. 33. Shay’s rebellion was a revolution by farmers which showed the weakness of the government under the Articles of Confederation.

8 Study Guide Review 34. Sent a list of grievances to King George III and agreed to meet back in 1 year. 35. Meeting to officially organize American government for the revolutionary war. 36. Constitutional convention Philadelphia / Independence Hall 39. Native Americans, women, African Americans 40. Legislative 41. Executive 42. Judicial 43. Legislative 44. Executive

9 Study Guide Review 45. Judicial 46. Agreement that the U.S. would have a two house legislature. One house based on equal representation and the other based on population. 47. Three-Fifths (3/5th’s) 48. September 17, Preamble 50. Checks and balances 51. Explains the relationship between states and the national government and describes how new states can be admitted to the U.S.

10 Study Guide Review 52. Describes how amendments can be made to the Constitution. 53. Supremacy clause - Declares the Constitution the “supreme law of the land.” 54. Describes how the Constitution was to be ratified. 55. Popular sovereignty, checks and balances, rule of law, separation of powers, and federalism 56. Popular sovereignty 57. Rule of law 58. Separation of powers 59. Checks and balances 60. Federalism

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