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MyAccountingLab Student User Guide

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2 MyAccountingLab Student User Guide
To ensure a quick and easy start to your course, check out the interactive, step by step MyAccountingLab Student User Guide on the Student Tours & Training page on the MyAccountingLab website. Have you seen the FREE Pearson Education MyDashBoard Mobile App? View announcements and upcoming assignments for your MyAccountingLab course quickly and easily from your phone! Welcome to MyAccountingLab, the Moment You Know. To ensure a quick and easy start to your course, check out the interactive, step by step MyAccountingLab Student user guide on the Student Tours and Training page on the MyAccountingLab website. Have you seen the free Pearson Education Mobile App? Download it now!

3 Take Advantage of Pearson 24/7 Technical Support http://247pearsoned
The Knowledge Base Instant answers to most of your questions Answer Wizard: an adaptive tool that figures out your problem for you Available 24/7 Speedy Communication 24/7 Support Agents respond quickly and thoroughly Take advantage of Pearson’s 247 Technical Support, where you can search for answers via the Knowledge Base and a support agent with a question.

4 24/7 Support is Available for You We’re always available via email and chat
Instant Chat Skip the phone – IM an Agent instead! Available 24/7 The All-Product Phone (800) 12PM to 8 PM EST, Monday through Friday You can also instant chat with a support agent, and call the All-product phone line Monday through Friday, 12pm to 8pm EST.

5 Make the Most of the Knowledge Base Tips and hints for powerful searches and up-to-date answers
Specified Searches Include words: add the plus symbol (+) Exclude words: add the minus symbol (-) Subscribe to Answers Get up-to-date data on specific Knowledge Base Answers by subscribing Simply click “Notify Me” at the end of an Answer Make the most of Pearson’s 247 Technical Support Knowledge Base by specifying searches to include or exclude words, and subscribe to answers to the most up-to-date information on your questions.

6 MyAccountingLab Welcome to MyAccountingLab, the Moment You Know. To get started, go to and click on the Student button in the Register section.

7 MyAccountingLab Enter your course ID
First, enter the course ID and click Continue. You get a course ID from your instructor and will look very similar to the gray sample course ID in the course ID box. You cannot enroll in a MyLabs course without a course ID.

8 MyAccountingLab Sign in with your existing username and password if you already have a Pearson account. If you do not have a Pearson account, click on Create an Account, and follow the steps. You will need a valid address and your school zip code to setup your account. Verify your course and instructor Sign in with your existing username and password if you already have a Pearson account. If you do not have a Pearson account, click on Create an Account, and follow the steps. You will need a valid address and your school zip code to setup your account. Verify your course and instructor under the Your Course section – if this is not your course, click on Enter a different course ID.

9 MyAccountingLab Select your option
Third, select an option. You can: use a prepaid access code that came with your textbook or in a separate kit; or use a credit card or Paypal account. If you are waiting for financial aid to purchase your course materials, select “get temporary access without payment for 17 days” to get temporary access to your instructor’s course. Select your option to continue.

10 MyAccountingLab Type in your access code here
If you chose Access Code, type in your prepaid access code in the boxes indicated and click Finish.

11 MyAccountingLab Insert payment information
If you chose to use a Credit Card or PayPal account to pay for access, select your payment method, type in your credit card information, you billing address and click Review

12 MyAccountingLab Verify your payment information and select Make Payment Verify your credit card or paypal payment, making sure that your payment and billing address is correct and click Make Payment.

13 MyAccountingLab If you chose “Get temporary access without payment for 17 days” a pop-up window will appear asking you to verify that you want temporary access. Click Yes.

14 MyAccountingLab Depending on which chose you made, you will receive a similar screen when your registration is completed. Click on Go to Your Course to begin working in your course. You have just successfully registered for MyAccountingLab in MyLabs/Mastering.

15 MyAccountingLab To login into MyAccountingLab , go to click on Sign In, enter your username and password and click Sign In. Under your Courses, click on the course name to begin working in your course.

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