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Fixing missing gradebook grades in skyward

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1 Fixing missing gradebook grades in skyward
Mike baker

2 What happened? Grades for new students were posted by a secretary or counselor. SKYWARD does not account for posted grades, causing the GPA to incorrectly calculate. The calculated value is typically higher than the correct value. Students cannot see the incorrect GPA information. However, it will show the incorrect value on the fourth marking period report card. Teachers must enter a gradebook grade in SKYWARD to prevent incorrect information from being published.

3 Why me? Teachers must add the gradebook grade.
Because SKYWARD is the student information system, only teacher-entered data is used for calculations. Unlike in the past, secretaries and counselors cannot enter grades.

4 Is this a grade change request?
No. You need not request a change to posted grades. This process must be done to have correct data for calculations.

5 procedures Obtain report from building principal.
Use SKYWARD to enter gradebook grades. Check each student’s name as you enter the grades. Sign and date the bottom of each report page. Return to your building principal by the assigned deadline.

6 Questions? See your building principal



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