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Spanish 1 __ @fhd7fa______ Enter this number: _____81010_______
Sra. Martinez Berry Miller Junior High Class Rules & Expectations BE SAFE Follow all BMJH rules and policies within the classroom. No food or gum in class. 2. BE RESPECTFUL Respect yourself and others. Raise your hand at all times. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. Maintain a clean work area. Do not use devices in class without teacher permission. Check the BYOD sign daily. 3. BE RESPONSIBLE Follow daily classroom procedures, directions and BMJH school policies. Bring necessary materials to class daily. Complete your work on time and turn it in on time. Do your own work, Do not copy, allow others to copy your work or use online translators. Spanish 1 Course Description Remind Welcome to Spanish 1 ! Our focus this school year will be learning and developing basic Spanish skills in understanding, speaking, reading and writing the language. Spanish I is a high school level course and students who successfully complete Spanish I will receive 1 high school language credit. Enter this number: _____81010_______ Text this message: __ @fhd7fa______ What are the consequences if I don’t follow class rules and expectations? Warning Teacher Detention 3. Lunch Detention. 4. After School Detention 5. Referral to Administration/ISS What if I am TARDY? The Berry Miller tardy policy will be followed and can be accessed through my teacher webpage or Canvas. What if I am ABSENT? It is the student’s responsibility to check the WHILE YOU WERE OUT binder or access Canvas in order to get copies of notes and/or assignments missed. One day absent, within 3 days of return, is allowed for makeup work. Extended absences within 3 days, plus the number of days absent. Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain all missed work and schedule a time for missed quizzes and/or tests. : Where do I go to find assignments and notes? All communication to students which include test reminders, reviews and extra resources will be shared through Canvas. Links and attachments to aid students will be found in the Canvas calendar. Canvas will have daily updates on daily lessons and homework assignments. Access to Canvas will be through my teacher webpage, Berry Miller website or going to
TUESDAYS AM MONDAYS PM Assessments = 60% Daily Grades = 40% Tutorials
Sra. Martinez Berry Miller Junior High Tutorials What is your responsibility? TUESDAYS AM MONDAYS PM It is the student’s responsibility to – Have all necessary school supplies every day. Retrieve notes and assignments in the “While You Were Out” binder or Canvas upon returning from an absence. Complete and turn in all assignments on time. Missing assignments will result in a ZAP. Regularly monitor your grades through Skyward. Attend tutorials for purposes of re-teaching, extra help, study time and retaking tests and quizzes. Show respect for your teacher, other students and yourself. Do not interfere with teacher’s responsibility to teach. (School and district rules will be enforced). Testing and Grading and Corrections Grade Breakdown Assessments = 60% (projects and tests) Daily Grades = 40% (homework and in class assignments – quizzes are worth 2 daily grades) Tests and projects will consist of 60% of the 9 week grading period. Any tests or quizzes missed due to absences must be made up during tutorials only and within a week of the absence. Corrections for assignments, quizzes and tests can only be made during tutorials. Daily work will count 40% of the 9 week grading period. Daily work includes: classwork, homework, participation and quizzes. Quizzes will be weighted as two classwork assignments. If a student has questions about his/her current grade or missing assignments, he/she must attend tutorials in order to address the situation. Questions regarding grades will not be answered during class time or between classes. **Corrections on daily or test grades can only be made within 1 week of grade posting on Skyward.** . Supplies 1 ½” binder Dividers (5) Paper (keep in your binder) Pencils / blue or black pens Red pen (keep with you) Flashcards (for extra credit opportunities – keep in your locker until needed.) Colored pen/pencils-optional Scissors *A workbook will be provided for students. Students are responsible for the workbook throughout the year. *Students will not have a Spanish textbook to take home. A class set of textbooks will be accessible daily. Missing Work Students are expected to turn in all classwork/homework by the class period assigned by the teacher and when the teacher asks to have it turned in. The consequences for missing work are ZAPs, detentions and parent contact. Will there be extra credit? Students will be able to receive +5 points extra credit on exams only. No extra credit assignments or projects will be given for any reason.
Sra. Martinez Berry Miller Junior High 2018 - 2019
Please Read the course information, sign, and return this sheet to Sra. martinez. Students: Please sign below to signify that you have read the course sheet for Sra. Martinez, will keep it in your Spanish binder, will be responsible for the information throughout the year, and will check Skyward at least twice per week at school or at home and CANVAS daily. _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Student printed name Student signature Parents/Guardians: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course sheet for Sra. Martinez’s class and that you will help your student be accountable for the information. If you have questions about the course or your student’s work, please do not hesitate to contact me; is the best way to reach me quickly. Parent/Guardian printed name Parent/Guardian signature
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