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Why did the French Empire fail?

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Presentation on theme: "Why did the French Empire fail?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did the French Empire fail?
Fall of Napoleon Why did the French Empire fail?

2 I. Survival of Britain After a failed land invasion, Napoleon outlaws trade with Britain to weaken them economically French dependant states resent this New markets in the Middle East and Latin America keep British trade strong

3 II. Nationalism Nationalism- extreme patriotism; loyalty and devotion to a nation Napoleon increases nationalism in 2 ways a. French were hated oppressors b. Showed other countries what a revolution could do

4 III. Disaster in Russia Russia rebels against outlawing of trade with Britain Napoleon and army (600,000 men) march on Russia Russian troops retreat, burning everything and luring the French deep into Russia Napoleon begins “Great Retreat” in October. Russian winter leaves only 40,000 survivors

5 The End of Napoleon Weakened by Russia, France is defeated and Napoleon exiled to Elba Monarchy restored in Louis XVIII Napoleon escapes from Elba and marches on Paris British and Prussian army under the Duke of Wellington defeat Napoleon at Waterloo Napoleon dies in exile on island of St. Helena

6 Lasting Legacies of the French Revolution
French Revolution spread principles that were important in the development of modern European governments a. legal equality b. religious toleration c. economic freedom

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