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GROUP REPORT Veena (India), Pratima (Nepal) Kim (Korea), Hernan (Philippines), Milan (India), Wee (Malaysia), Safrudin (Indonesia), Sajida (Pakistan)

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Presentation on theme: "GROUP REPORT Veena (India), Pratima (Nepal) Kim (Korea), Hernan (Philippines), Milan (India), Wee (Malaysia), Safrudin (Indonesia), Sajida (Pakistan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 GROUP REPORT Veena (India), Pratima (Nepal) Kim (Korea), Hernan (Philippines), Milan (India), Wee (Malaysia), Safrudin (Indonesia), Sajida (Pakistan)

2 1- a Effect of Global Crisis
For Nepal, India, Pakistan, Korea, Malaysia and Philippines, the effect is unemployment, curtailment of visa, job security, migration problems, homelessness Nepal, India, Pakistan - many have committed suicide Korea – Low wages, outsourcing Pakistan and Nepal - There is also domestic problem which affect their economic needs and it has increased privatization and no investment Indonesia – 1 bank bailed out by government and with sovereign guarantee

3 1-b Impact on Trade Union
Nepal, India, Pakistan, - Increasing unionization, participation of women have increased in decision making Philippines – Outsourcing causes decrease in union numbers Malaysia – Unions dissolve because companies transfer abroad

4 1-c Union Response Nepal, India, Pakistan,
Informal Sector have increased Organize unorganized sector (fishermen, hospital workers, small scale industries) Responsibility of ILO increased Indonesia – Citizen law suit against president and other public officials Malaysia – Refer laid off workers to “Jobstreet” online for training and work

5 2 - Innovative Organizing
Nepal, India, Pakistan, Special Training for Workers for Legal Rights Awareness Alignment of trade unions in national level Indonesia – Draft law reorganizing social security to all.

6 3 – Trade Union Social Protection to Workers
Submission of ILO policies to government Nepal – Government takes 1% of the wage which Unions put a ban. Training of Woman on women workers rights, against female infanticide, dowry, etc. India – HMS has initiated program of 100 days work guarantee for willing unskilled workers and also unemployment allowance if work is not provided within 15 days of demand by the workers

7 3 – Trade Union Social Protection to Workers
Pakistan – The employees old age pension benefits institution and employees social security are now working with the help of trade unions

8 4 – Three Main Priorities of Unions
Implementation of ILO Convention 102 Social Security to Workers of un/organized sectors Ratify all ILO conventions Indonesia – Citizen Law Suit Social Security to all Pension Scheme Drafting law Reorganizing Social Security

9 4 – Three Main Priorities of Unions
Malaysia Give Work Control Market holders/regulate markets Control Corruption Philippines (TUCP) Employment Generation by training of workers, incentive to investors Abolish work contractualization Regular Increases in Minimum Wages

10 4 – Three Main Priorities of Unions
India (INTUC) and Philippines (TUCP) - No labor contracting but regularization of workers India and Nepal – Abolish child labor. Nepal – Training for unskilled workers for job security

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