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The Peloponnesian War.

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1 The Peloponnesian War

2 Greece what are you thinking!
Nearing the end of the 5th century BCE a devastating war broke out between Athens and Sparta This war would see a decline of Greek military power and Civilization Greece had seen much friendship and cooperation, but that would soon break down. The war would rage for 27 years

3 How did this all start? The 5 minute Version!
Athens had a growing empire and other city states were getting nervous (Especially Sparta) In 434 BCE Athens joined in an alliance with Corcyra (A Corinthian Colony): Athens would fight a sea battle against Corinth Athens grew nervous about Corinthian colonies to the north (Potidaea) and demanded that they tear down their defensive walls. They refused and asked Sparta for help

4 The Peloponnesian League
The Peloponnesian League: also called Spartan Alliance, was a military coalition of Greek city-states led by Sparta, formed in the 6th century BCE. League policy, usually decisions on questions of war, peace, or alliance, was determined by federal congresses, summoned by the Spartans when they thought fit; each member state had one vote. The league was a major force in Greek affairs, forming the nucleus of resistance to the Persian invasions (480–479) and fighting against Athens in the Peloponnesian War.

5 The War in a nutshell The Spartans were focused on total victory – so much so they entered into an alliance with Persia Sparta promised to give Persia the Ionian coast in exchange for gold to build a navy A number of battles broke out and in 429 BCE Sparta pushed Athens all the way to their gates – The Athenian Plague broke out Athens was fortunate to win several key victories and in 421BCE each side sued for peace. Only Athens and Sparta recognized it.

6 The beginning of the end
The peace was all but gone when Athens sent an expedition to Sicily ( BCE) This expedition was so disastrous Athens would loose half of its force (Naval and Hoplites) Athens would never recover from this defeat and would eventually surrender to Sparta in 404 BCE

7 Effects of the War The war was terrible for everyone involved – Athens lost a huge portion of its empire / population The ancient world lost a city dedicated to the arts Citizens lost faith in their city states and the common good. It become more about the individual – money and safety The Polis could no longer function What followed was years of internal war – Sparta would rule Greece then would be over thrown by the Thebans (371 BCE) Greece was now on the decline

8 Before Greece would crumble it would burn bright once more for a brief moment...

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